Temple Beth Am Library Minyan
September 10, 2021
Dear Friends,
We hope you, your family, and your friends are safe and sound. We look forward to seeing you soon at the Library Minyan! Here is this week's Library Minyan Weekly Update for September 10, 2021.
We will be sending out a special Yom Kippur Edition with updated information about our services.
If you have questions, suggestions, or want to include something in a future Weekly Update, please email Jerry Krautman at JKrautman@sbcglobal.net or reply to this email.  
Shabbat Shalom,
Jerry Krautman
Rosh Minyan

Shabbat Services, September 11th, 9:45 a.m.
Corning Street 8, just North of the Elbaz Gym on Corning Street
Masks required for persons who are not vaccinated.
Our service will include Reflections on 911 with Rabbi Gail Labovitz.
The Mishnah Study Group
Kathy Rosenblatt, September 11th, 9:00 a.m. to 9:25 a.m. on Zoom. Here is the link.
Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur, Mincha and Ne’ila Services: 
Kol Nidre Services, Wednesday, September 15th, 6:30 p.m.
Corning Street 8, just North of the Elbaz Gym on Corning Street
Masks required for persons who are not vaccinated.
Yom Kippur Morning Services, Thursday, September 16th, 
7:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Ganzberg Education Building Roof
Masks required for persons who are not vaccinated.
Mincha and Ne’ila Services, Thursday, September 16th,
time to be determined
Corning Street 8, just North of the Elbaz Gym on Corning Street
Masks required for persons who are not vaccinated.

Haftarah Plethora 
Larry Herman and Rick Muller are taking a well-deserved week off.  You can find all of their Haftarah Plethora recordings on our Library Minyan Facebook pagefacebook.com/libraryminyan
The Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am, 1039 S. La Cienega Blvd 90035