To Firstname

Your BPS Membership Number -

Wednesday 1 August
This Wednesday you can see the rescheduled London Salon presentation. This is a digital presentation with commentary of the London Salon of Photography exhibition. To quote their website "The London Salon of Photography is a unique body of photographers, from world wide membership, whose sole aim is to exhibit annually, the very best of pictorial photographic imagery" and "..... their interest being with photographic art and to encourage that class of photographic work where there is distinct evidence of artistic feeling and execution" - just like any Wednesday evening at 12 West Mall!
Membership of the Salon is by invitation only and BPS is honoured to be able to count two Salon members amongst its number, John Chamberlin and Derek Dorsett.  
Membership Number
You will see that your BPS Membership Number is included at the top of this email. You will need this if you are a BPS Projected Image Competition entrant, as the entry system is changing slightly and you will need your membership number when submitting your entries.

DI Group - Lightroom
Just a quick note to remind members of the special meetings of the DI group when Bob Micklethwait will be demonstrating the use of Lightroom. These are being held on the next two Monday evenings, the first is next Monday, 30th July at 7.30 pm at the clubrooms and the second the following Monday. His notes, which were mentioned in the newsletter last week, are still available for download by clicking on this link. For those who may have problems in downloading, please bring a USB flashdrive to copy the notes (about 30 Mb) at the meeting.

Epson Printing Talk
The notes referred to in last Wednesdays talk on printing are now available on the BPS website by going to the members' area. Don't forget the log in is "chatroom" and the password is "pixel" (without the inverted commas).

If you thought that you had managed to escape the delights of the BPS AGM, think again! Attached are the minutes of the meeting which will make riveting reading for all, especially to those of you with a predisposition to insomnia. What will be of immediate interest to you, however, is the fact that the annual subscriptions have been increased, these increases came into effect at the AGM.

Thank You
In the 9 May issue of the Newsletter, Gordon Stirrat asked for donations of prints for auctioning at a "Landfill Banquet" being organised by the charity, Crisis Centre Ministries, this month. The banquet and auction was held last Saturday and the prints that were donated fetched a whopping £460 for the charity. Gordon has asked me to pass on a big thank you to John Chamberlin, Barry Mead, Nick Ayers, Keith Wood, David & Patsy Southwell, Gordon Thomas and Margaret Collis who all kindly donated prints, and to the BPS Council for agreeing to cover the cost of framing all of the prints.

Newsletter Title
Several members have mentioned that maybe this wonderful organ of news dissemination should carry a more whacky title. So I'm casting this open to the membership to see who's creative juices can come up with the best title. Suggestions to me at please (only one proviso, it must be printable) and in true democratic style, I will pick the best one sent.

Pictures of Bristol Wanted
As a society, we regularly get requests for assistance from local charities. The following request has been received from a volunteer with the Macmillan Nursing organisation.requesting images of Bristol for their local 2013 calender.

"My name is Jo and I am a volunteer with Macmillan Cancer Support alongside my full time job. I was hoping  you may read the information below regarding a photography project I am organising in aid of raising funds for Macmillan.
Last year another Macmillan volunteer put together a calendar of Bath sites and sold it at Christmas, featuring local sites and places of interest. This year I am putting together a calender for Bristol and hoped you may have some photographers in your Society who may like to get involved.There is no specific criteria but the main idea is to have local sites such as:
These are just ones that spring to mind we welcome any photos that may be suitable as calender photos of Bristol. A mixture of weather, colour, day and night etc would be great.
The Bristol Macmillan Committee will decide in due course which photos we would like to put into the calendar and the photographers will have their names written on the calendar alongside their work.
I would be very grateful if you could pass this message on to your members and ask anyone who may be interested in the project to contact me on

Thank you for your time

I appreciate that you have been recently badgered by me for the St Peter's pictures but if you have any suitable images that have not already been sent to St Peter's (BPS Council don't think that we should send the same images to both organisations), please reply directly to Jo.

On the 18 July issue I thanked members for submitting images of Bristol for St Peter's Hospice and omitted to include Anthea Golding in the list - my apologies, Anthea and thanks.

Studio/Clubrooms - Building Works
For those of you that use the studio, please note that we are having building works carried out at the clubrooms during the first half of August and that the clubrooms will not be available for anything other than programmed meetings during that period. Please check with Nick Ball as to studio availability during the rest of August (

Exhibitions to Visit
The National Exhibition of Monochrome Photography, organised by the Cotswold Monochrome Group, is displayed from Thursday 2nd August to Sunday 5th August at the Blackfriars Priory, off Ladybellegate Street, Gloucester. Entry is free, 10am to 6pm.This is a unique exhibition of over 300 superb black and white photographs by top U.K. photographers.
Visit for full details.
Things to Photograph
If you know of any events happening that might be of interest to fellow club members, please let me know and I will include the details here.

Trumpet Blowers' Corner
If you want to blow your own trumpet or, dare I say such a thing, blow someone else's trumpet for them, then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include it in the next issue.

Items For Sale
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive