Last month WECAN helped 4 patients get their card.  We need your help to get this number to 20 new Nevada cardholders a month. We assist those who are economically disadvantaged, veterans, and recently diagnosed as terminally ill.  These NV MJ cards are extremely expensive - with the doctor and cost of the applications approaching $400 a year for each patient.  Holy sticker shock every year, then cost of medicine being $50-60 for 3.5 grams; how can we not help those in need of a medicine that can eliminate seizures in children and cause severe reductions in pain in patients.      
One time patient sales to dispensaries / cultivation facilities have been brought into the media recently, which was originally written into (453A & LCB R004-14).  It is important that Nevada patients have access to safe medicine immediately, whether that is through the existing MJ patients or cultivation facilities selling product to dispensaries (possibly summer 2015). 
As indicated in 453A.352 #5, a patient can make a one-time sale of usable marijuana (453A.160 flower, edibles, waxes, oils) to a dispensary and plants to a cultivation facility.   The two questions, which I do not believe will be answered because the law was intentionally written vaguely; can a patient make a one-time sale to multiple facilities and is this one time sale only 2.5 ounces (patients can only have 2.5oz of useable marijuana).  No limit for a one time sale is defined in R004-14 Section 57 Page 38-41.  I do not believe we will get any further clarification from the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health about this and patient’s need access to medicine today.  Thank goodness Euphoria Wellness will be opening shortly in January and hopefully many other MMEs to help Nevada patients have access to medicine quickly. 
On January 25th WECAN will have its next job fair at the Flamingo Clark County Library, with patients showing up wanting to work in the MJ Industry and connect with dispensaries / cultivation facilities, so they can make their one time sale of genetics and product as dictated by NV law.  If we can connect patients with your business, please contact us or please purchase a sponsorship to attend the job fair.
We are in need of more individuals connected into the cannabis industry to interview for our broadcast radio show (30-40,000 listenership reach) and YouTube channel.  We are now adding a podcast version of the radio show, which will substantially increase our patient reach.  Please contact ( if interested.  This would get the word out about your NV MME facility and also help with branding.  We also have 30 second spots that go for $100 apiece.  Our WECAN facebook has over 127,947 likes with 40,762 reached.  We want to help connect you with the cannabis patient community. 
We are seeking donations of MJ Business T-Shirts or items that are branded to your business that you would like to donate to us to sell by donation at First Friday.  This will give patients the opportunity to wear / advertise your business logo.  We can also give you a tax receipt because WECAN is a non-profit.   
If you love yoga and want to attend Nevada’s first 420 Beginner Yoga Class – it is taught by yours truly at Blue Sky Yoga inside the Arts Factory every Tuesday at 4:30PM.
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If I can be of help in some capacity, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Jason Sturtsman
Wellness Education Cannabis Advocates of Nevada (WECAN)
Board of Directors