Temple Beth Am Library Minyan  
 June 2012
 The Minyan Monthly
It's good to be Queen!
Queen Elizabeth II celebrated 60 years as a ruling monarch this week. 
Which reminds us, the new LM Steering Committee's initial meeting — the one where they were going to elect a new Rosh — has been postponed until June 26.  
Rumours abound as to the cause of this postponement. The likeliest scenario is one of the two following popular theories. The first is that Abby Harris postponed the meeting in a meglomaniacal desire to prolong her tenure as Minyan Master. The second, less likely scenario, is that some of the committee members were out of town.
Will we ever know the truth? Who will be the new Rosh? Stay tuned for the next thrilling installment of .... (insert dramatic music here) ... the Minyan Monthly! 
Shavuot Picnic in the Park
Our second annual Shavuot Picnic in the Park was a big success. Yasher koach to Mark Bodenstein for organizing it. Many thanks to John Antignas and Susan Laemmle for their help in defining our sacred space.  
Shimonah Breger, Rebecca Cohn, Rivka Grob, Talia Schrager, and Rachel Wolf joyfully enhanced the experience of our youngest attendees. Rabbi Ilana Grinblat shared a beautiful and touching story, and Alan Broidy led singing and benching, rounding out a wonderful day.
Oh, and did I mention the cheesecakes and other desserts?  Yummeroosky! Thanks to everyone for bringing and sharing!
Help sponsor kiddush?
Your name could be in the green box on the right as a co-sponsor of a LM Kiddush. The next one is scheduled for June 30. For information about how you can join this select group of people contact Abby Harris. 
Tove Sunshine honored
Shalhevet High School will honor Tove Sunshine with the Aish HaLahav award at its Annual Gala June 13. For more information contact Shalhevetdinner.com
Mishna study 9:25
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035
June 9
Young people reading Torah
June 16
Middle School Graduates
June 23 
Stolzenberg-Myers BM
June 30
Library Minyan co-sponsored kiddush
by clicking here.
Remember to check the box for "Temple Beth Am Library Minyan!"
The Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am, 1039 S. La Cienega Blvd 90035  www.libraryminyan.org