Notice of AGM                            

                                               8 September 2020
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:  
Hello, Firstname
BPS AGM - Wednesday 30 September 2020
Bristol Photographic Society

Notice of AGM, and Financial Statements for year ended 31st March 2020

Explanatory Note
You are receiving this notice of the forthcoming AGM along with certain information and documents as this is what the Society’s constitution requires, and this is the latest date it is practical for us to send it. However it is stressed that the accompanying documents (Report of the Council of Management, and Accounts) are drafts and are not the final versions. We are obliged to have these documents examined by independent accountants (Wormald & Partners) who will also put the accounts into the exact format required by various laws and regulations governing us as both a company and a charity.
It has not been possible to finalise these in large part because the independent examiners are struggling, and failing, to keep up with workloads. It is widely acknowledged that Covid-19 has wreaked havoc with normal working practices – so much so that all companies have been granted by law, an additional three months to file their statutory accounts this year. Covid has affected all our lives dramatically and for those of us who still work it extends to our work too, and that has certainly been true for me. Furthermore this is my first year as treasurer and the task in taking over required more work than I anticipated. 
The Financial Statements will be sent to you before the AGM, as soon as they have been finalised and approved by Wormalds and approved by the Council.
In the meantime, if there are any deficiencies, omissions or failings in the enclosed draft accounts those are entirely my own.
Graham Pears FCCA
Bristol Photographic Society
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE