Thursday, October 12, 2006
John 8:31 If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed.
The new life we have in Christ is not mere theory or concept -- it is to be lived in the here and now. But here we need guidance, since Devil, world and flesh confuse, mislead and distort. How shall we live as Christ's people? What shall be our guide in daily activity?
Pre-reformation preachers pointed people to the lives of the saints as touchstones for faith. Luther warned his parishioners against this for the very reason that to do so would lead them away form the solid basis of Scripture and thus endanger their soul's salvation:
"For if you do not look to the Scriptures alone, the lives of the saints are 10 times more harmful, dangerous, and offensive than those of the impious. For the wicked sin gravely and their sins are easily recognizable and must be avoided. But the saints present a subtle and fine show with their human doctrines and this is likely to lead astray even the elect (as Jesus warns in Mt 24).
"Now such offense of the saints is directly against the main article, namely faith and its doctrine. However, gross sins are not opposed to faith or its doctrine, even though they depart from it, they do not assault it. Human doctrines are nothing but assaults on faith and its doctrines, for they induce men to rely on themselves and their works, when it is Christ who preserves His saints in the midst of human doctrines and works."
The proper "Christian way", Luther maintained, is "to make clear first what the Scriptures teach and then compel my own ideas to accord with them."
What could be more valuable than the Scriptures through which we receive new life in Christ -- and the strength and guidance to walk with Him?