Seasons Greetings to you all.
A year ago I would never have dreamed that my nad would be hanging from my Christmas Tree, but dare not to dream everyone. Who knows what 2022 will bring.
Thanks so much for your support over the last year.
Just emailing to let you know how you can help us kickstart the live stream of the next Leicester Square Theatre run of RHLSTP (scheduled currently for Feb, March and April 2022 - tickets here)
There's a chance of a shout out during the actual podcast, but those are selling fast so get in quick. Details below
Richard Herring
  Buy my DVDs and books here
We'd really like to live stream again, but the cost of production which we were happy to eat up for the good of charity last time, means that it is hard to get it off the ground. So we hope you will help us raise the money to pay for the cameras, crew and live stream and get yourself some exclusive extras and a super cheap season pass (that won't be available anywhere else)
Check out the kickstarter page - all donations help, however small. if we can hit the target of £20,000 then we can stream 14 interviews from the Leicester Square Theatre (and if the dates of those gigs change we will still obviously stream the rescheduled ones). If we can raise more than £20,000 we can stream even more episodes.
There's a great podcast with MIriam Margolyes dropping on Wednesday and we'll be back weekly with podcasts from theatres or (if we have to) remotely.
And we release retro RHLSTPs on Fridays.
There's loads more coming up in the new year, including two more shows at the Phoenix (details soon), the Bristol Slapstick Festival where I'll be talking to Jon Culshaw, the Leicester Comedy Festival and another run at the Leicester Square Theatre. All details here.
As always badgers get the guest news first.
Thanks to everyone who bought the live stream last time. We raised about £9000 for CTRT who are researching cancer treatments/cures and about £3000 for the Museum of Comedy.
We raised a further £30,000+ for the hospitals that treated me from Half Marathon sponsorship.
Thanks for this support.

Some very exciting news about how we're spending the money from the RHLSTP ads (basically on bringing you more fantastic entertainment) is coming soon.
Relativity series 4 is all in the can and I am about three chapters into my new book "Can I Have My Ball Back?"

Copyright © 2019 Richard Herring, All rights reserved.