BPS Newsletter - Issue 103                                                                                       20 August 2014
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 20 August
Next Wednesday is the Members' Evening. This annual event is your chance to see what other members of the Society have been up to over the last year or so. This is when a number of BPS members, who aren't regular presenters or speakers, will give short presentations of their work. This is always a good evening so come along and support your fellow BPSers.
Arrivederci, Neil
As was mentioned last week, BPS is arranging a night out to wish Neil McCoubrey well with his move to Scotland in September. This is your last chance to sign up for this, so if you'd like to attend, please click on this link and tick the date(s) you will be available. When we have numbers we'll go for the most popular date and arrange venues for drinks and dinner.
Nature Definitions
The following is an article written by Dave Coates (FIAP Liaison Office for th ePAGB) in the latest issue of PAGB eNews and may be of interest to those of you who enter Nature & Photo Travel exhibitions.

With the introduction of the new definition for Nature, adopted and launched jointly by FIAP, RPS and PSA, and its adoption by the PAGB, this is an opportune time to look at a particular related issue. There are aspects of the definition that could be argued about, but that is not the point. FIAP, PSA and RPS are responsible for patronising or recognising the vast bulk of international salons around the world. They have the right to decide the rules under which they give patronage, just as salons have the right to choose whether to seek patronage.

A unified definition has to be welcome to nature photographers. For too long we have had varying definitions, which has often lead to confusion. Let us hope that this spirit of co-operation between these bodies will lead to greater commonality in the exhibition rules, for example in the case of Monochrome. FIAP have one definition but PSA have three!

The differing definitions of Nature have enabled differing interpretations. One issue has been about what modifications can be made to a nature photograph during post processing. I am not expressing agreement or disagreement with the definition, I am simply stating what the position is. The matter, despite what some might say, is not open for dispute and what follows has been cleared with FIAP.
I have been present when it has been advocated that, during post processing, you can remove inconvenient items, such as bits of grass or inconvenient twigs, or even more. That is wrong. You are not allowed to alter the content of a nature photograph (except by cropping). To put it simply, you can “garden” before you press the shutter release, but you may NOT do so afterwards. You can remove camera created artifacts. You can also apply changes that improve the quality and appearance of the photograph, but anything you do must look natural and must not change the picture content. (Click here to see the full definition).

What is more concerning is that, on more than one occasion recently, I have been faced with ‘up and coming’ exhibitors who have been given guidance by  recognised ‘experts’. The guidance has been so wrong that, if the recipient had followed it, it could have resulted in them being banned for life from International Exhibitions.

FIAP and PSA, and the PAGB for that matter, maintain lists of persons who are banned from entering salons under their patronage. These are circulated to salon chairmen and applying the ban is compulsory. The reasons include plagiarism, using more than one title for the same photograph as well as other deliberate breaches of the definitions and the rules of entry.
In the case of PSA the length and extent of bans varies but can be for life. FIAP maintain the “Red List” and anyone placed on it is banned for life. Both organisations go to some lengths to give a person under suspicion chance to justify their actions and FIAP have appointed an officer dedicated solely to chasing up and enquiring into suspect cases. Where suspicions arise the original camera image will be sought, and also a sequence of original images taken immediately before and after the one in question. Pleading ignorance to the rules is unlikely to be accepted and failure to respond will be taken as a sign of guilt. It is also apparent that the number of bans being imposed has been increasing substantially over the last couple of years.

You should also be aware that most salons in the UK co-operate and circulate information between themselves, even in advance of an official ban by FIAP or PSA. UK Salons may also make similar requests for original files where they have suspicions. Please also bear in mind that these procedures are not just limited to nature sections but, where relevant, to any other sections of international salons.

No-one is expecting salons to vet every photograph in minute detail; clearly that would be impractical. Salon chairmen and their volunteers are not there to police the system, and the international organisations must not try to push them in this direction. However, I draw the parallel of camera club competitions. When was the last time, entering a club competition, that you were asked to confirm that you had actually taken the picture? This is our hobby and we start out on the basis of trust. But, just as would happen at your club, where a cheat (and let’s be clear that is what we are talking about) does come to light before, during or at any time after the event, then the full force of the rules and/or regulations can be brought to bear. After all, it is only fair to those entrants who do abide by the rules.

PAGB eNews - Issue 123
To download the latest edition of the PAGB eNews, please click here.
Exhibition to Visit
Dorset Independent Photographers Exhibition - intriguing images from Greece to Dorset gardens are set to feature in a popular annual photographic exhibition in Dorchester. The Dorset Independent Photographers will be showcasing their best darkroom skills combined with the latest in digital technology at their annual exhibition at Dorchester’s Borough Gardens House. The exhibition runs from 18-25 August at Gardens House, Borough Gardens, Dorchester.
Well worth including this on a visit to a beautiful part of the country, just a short drive away.
The image on the left, Overhanging Tree is by John Tilsey
The Photographic Angle is holding a free photography exhibition at Castlemead, Lower Castle Street, Bristol, BS1 3AH from Saturday 23rd to Wednesday 27th August on the theme of “200 Faces”.  (Please note that this venue provides guided tours and so a wait of a few minutes may be necessary until one of the guides is available.)

200 Faces is an exhibition of 200 portrait photographs by 191 photographers.
This exhibition is testimony to the ever-present, dynamic and enthralling genre of portrait photography as captured by an exciting group of contemporary image-makers in all stages of their careers. These photographers, from all around the world exemplify the diversity of portrait photography, from the environment in which the subjects sit, to the expressions and emotions, uniforms and props that build the information in the image.
To find out more about The Photographic Angle, please visit their website. (what a pretentious and pompous collection of words that is - no wonder people cock a snook at the art world at times!)
Chris Palmer at Kingswood PS
I've received the following from Venessa Herring at Kingswood PS:
Kingswood Photographic Society is absolutely delighted to welcome Chris Palmer  FRPS, EFIAP, DPAGB, APAGB  as their speaker on Friday, 19th September 2014.  The title of Chris’s illustrated talk is A Personal Response.

Chris says: “We all see the world slightly differently.  It is never my intention to mimic another photographer's shot, but to bring my own vision to bear to produce an individual and personal point of view.  I constantly strive to produce images that are different.

In this new lecture I discuss the creative process that I use, both when out shooting, and subsequently when producing my prints.  The lecture features much of my latest work, and culminates in the panel that I produced to earn my RPS Fellowship.

Primarily I am landscape or location photographer.  I enjoy the search for a good image, and the thrill of finding and capturing one.  The images I produce are a personal selection of the scene before me, an extraction of the part that interests me.  They are taken to please no one, (except me), and to satisfy my own creativity.

Very few of the pictures I take are about luck, they are worked for, they are sought out, and they are captured with as much care and consideration as I can muster.”

This promises to be a superb evening and it is a great opportunity to hear and see a highly acclaimed national and international photographer.  For a taster of some of the treats that are in store, pop on to Chris’s website, http://www.chrispalmerphotographer.co.uk/.

Visitors are always very welcome and the cost for this evening is £3.00. Kingswood PS meets Fridays at 7.30pm to 9.30pm at St Barnabas Church Hall, Warmley, Bristol BS30 5JJ.
Picture Agency
We have received an email this week from a picture agency, CanStock Photo, that would appear to offer a reasonable deal for amateur photographers and might be worth investigating. If you'd like to make some money from your photography, then following this link could be the answer.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
We have been told that Greg Duncan has ventured out of the bland world of flat photography into the uncharted waters of 3D photography. His first venture was in this year's PSA 3D International where he obtained a 50% acceptance rate including an HM and a PSA Silver Medal - not a bad start for a whippersnapper.
If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Items For Sale
Items will remain in this section for one month from the date of insertion or until notification of sale, whichever is the sooner.
Fotospeed Ultra HG Pigment Ink for Epson R1900 continuous ink system.
125ml 7C431 Red best before 02.2014
125ml 7C430 Yellow best before 02.2014
125ml 7C426 Photo Black no best before date
125ml 7C428 Cyan best before 08.2014
125ml 7C432 Orange best before 09.2013
125ml 7C433 Gloss Optimiser best before 09.2013
125ml 7C429 Magenta best before 02.2014
125ml 7C427 Matte Black best before 02.2014
Offers in excess of £10!
Please contact Mike Bigger at mike.bigger@talktalk.net or on 07710 019971
Jettec ink cartridges - 6 x E07 (Black) and 3 x E09 (Colour), these are replacements for Epson T007 & T009. These normally retail at £3.99 & £4.99 respectively - a snip at £15 for the lot! They're not old, it's just that I bought them and immediately afterwards my printer went belly up!
                    Contact - Pete Howell - newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixel
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: membership@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                 Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk