Here are some pet holidays for June
Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month (ASPCA) Adopt-A-Cat Month (American Humane Assoc.) National Microchipping Month National Pet Preparedness Month
June 4-10 Pet Appreciation Week - June 12 - 16 Take Your Pet to Work Week
June 18 - 24 Animal Rights Awareness Week Pet Appreciation Week (PAW) - Second week in June
June 4 - Hug Your Cat Day June 11 - Just One Day: shelters pledge not to euthanize any animal for 24 hours.
June 12 - World Pet Memorial Day
Worried about pet food safety? Report Problems to the FDA!
Monitor the latest recalls:
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felinehelpline @
How Serious is Toxoplasmosis?
Fun Links:
How to Store Cats

Time For My Next Book
What do you think?
I'm entertaining the idea of another book this year, but I'd like to create something you might be looking for. What kind of book would you like to see or read next? The plan is for this to be a joint project with a professional journalist friend of mine, Paul DeCeglie, currently living and writing in Thailand. His two cats provide plenty of inspiration for his column on pet care.
Feel free to simply send me an email with your thoughts, suggestions or requests. Send to felinehelpline @ Or, you can fill out a short survey I've set up at this link: survey will be available until June 30, and I will announce the results in the next Kitty Times on July 7. Here are the questions: 1. What format do you prefer? ebook, Kindle book, printed book 2. Potential subjects: jokes and humor, coloring book, puzzle book, affirmations, quotes, advice and tips, short stories, diaries, journals, planners, etc.
Here is what they can include: Quote book: celebrities, famous authors, my quotes, your quotes (send them in). Short stories: see for an idea of how this works. If you'd like to submit a story, let me know. If we get enough stories, there definitely will be another book. Affirmations: popular right now, but there are many. These would either be about cats, for cats, or "from" cats. Send in your own if you have some ideas. Advice or tips: Again, for cats, about cats, or from cats. See the videos by Friskies cat food for some very funny advice by cats, for cats. Puzzle book: word search, crosswords, mazes, sudoku, etc. What puzzles do you like to do? Coloring book: For small children, older children, young adults, adults, or seniors? Joke book: send in your favorites, especially anything you've written yourself.
Planners, diaries or journals to help you plan or document your day or a project.
3. Would you like a book that is illustrated? Coloring books - of course! But what of the other types? Do you think illustrations enhance the book? Would you like them to be drawings so you can color them yourself?
4. Lastly, what price do you think is appropriate for these types of books and how many pages would be just right for you?
Note: Anything you write or contribute will be credited to you. (If you have a web site, this could be a cool way to get visitors to your page!)
Thank you for your help. |
It's not too soon to start thinking about pet safety for the upcoming holidays this summer. Also, remember to remind your friends not to leave a pet unattended in a parked car. It's going to be hot this summer and many will become victims.
Health and Behavior - Cats With Leukemia Virus
I had a request for information about cats with leukemia, called FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). Can they live normal lives without having to be quarantined or isolated? The conventional advice from conventional veterinary authorities is, of course, to either keep them away from other cats or to simply euthanize them now, before they become too sick to have any "quality of life" or spread it to another cat. This is an outdated view these days, but it's still the traditionally accepted method of handling them. The more progressive opinion is that even leukemia positive cats can - and should - be allowed to live fulfilling lives. Simply killing them off is not humane, contrary to those who believe it is, and in the end, it does nothing to stop the disease. It's still the most common deadly disease of cats, but the statistics may surprise you. They are not quite as dire as many think, and a surprising number of cats actually outgrow the virus if they live long enough, conferring lifelong immunity. It must be noted, however, that FeLV cats must be handled correctly if they are to enjoy their lives without endangering others or suffering themselves. They can even be quite healthy, despite their viral infection, which results in a diminished immune system. This makes them more vulnerable to common ailments which then can become deadly. While they can successfully live with other cats, it's not done by simply allowing them to be together without taking precautions. I found several articles online about leukemia cats that suggest helpful and hopeful ways to give them the life they deserve as much as any other cat. The message at these few sites is that FeLV does not have to be a death sentence. Find a holistic vet, if possible, or try to work with the vet you have on assisting in their care if or when these cats need medical attention. As expected and observed, the disease is most deadly for kittens, who can acquire it from their mothers before even being born, or from close contact with infected cats in their environment. It doesn't take much contact to spread this virus to vulnerable young ones. However, I want people to know that taking kittens away from their mothers too soon has more than behavioral consequences. It also results in lowered immunity due to poor nutrition (humans can never feed them as well as their own mothers do) and the loss of natural antibodies passed to them through mother's milk. Here are the most useful sites I have found so far. If you are considering fostering or adopting a leukemia positive cat (bless you), please read and learn what your responsibilities will be to ensure their health and well being. these sites offer downloadable care guides: it all up:According to, "Some cats may clear the virus themselves, and for others, proper care can lead to good quality of life for many years."
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