Delivery of Courier
(Non-Australia Post) Articles
to CP Post Office
With the boom in online shopping, the number of
people attempting to have courier articles delivered offshore has
increased dramatically.
So I thought it was a good time to update people on the current
Previously the official line from Australia post was no to any courier
This has been changed to allow the delivery of non-Post articles to PO
boxes Etc. as long as a Over The Counter
Delivery Fee has been paid.
So if you are ordering something from a company that doesn't use Post,
please take into consideration that it will cost you a nominal fee to
have it delivered.
Addressing Your
Many companies will not accept a PO Box address, so addressing it to 1860 Pittwater Road Church Point,
which is the street number of the post office will get it here.
Please if possible, add a contact number, especially for larger
parcels,as space is very limited and it helps speed up the whole
process...In regard to larger parcels, a "heads up" would help, just so
I know what to expect.
Thank you,
Hope this has made things a bit clearer?
Celebrate Philip
Worth's Life
Saturday 14 February
at 2pm at Newport Arms.
Please come join Philip John Worth's family to celebrate Philip's life
on Saturday 14 February at 2pm at Newport Arms.
Philip Worth was a long time resident of Scotland Island for over 30
years before he moved to Cairns to reside. Philip lived at Scotland
Island with his family Lea, Becky, Nicky and Jordie.
Hope to see you there.
International Women’s Day Event
Scotland Island Community Hall
Saturday 7 March 2015
who would like to celebrate the day are welcome to come and take
If you have a song to sing, or a monologue to ligue, then please
contact Petra Godfrey on 0404 867 768, or email
Any volunteers to help with food or organisation are very welcome!
At the end of the night, there will be dancing!
Men and Women both welcome!
Come along for great company, good food and a belly full of laughs.
TiARA (Tick-induced Allergies Research and
Awareness) PATIENT SUPPORT GROUP Sub-committee
- Tick season increases risk of severe allergic
- Tick bites can cause severe allergic reactions.
- Allergic reactions are the commonest health
problem provoked by tick bites.
- Tick bites cause anaphylaxis to mammalian meats
(beef, pork, lamb, indeed meat from any animal, even goats and guinea
pigs) and they also cause anaphylaxis to the tick bites themselves.
- Our region has the highest prevalence of these
tick-induced allergies in the world.
So TiARA (Tick-induced Allergies Research and Awareness) Patient
Support Group are hosting a free information evening from 7pm-8.30pm on Tuesday 17th February 2015
in the John Newlinds Education Room at Mona Vale Hospital, Coronation
Street, Mona Vale.
Come along and hear 3 world experts on ticks, tick anaphylaxis and
mammalian meat anaphylaxis.

click image to load PDF
IWD Breakfast
We hope you enjoyed the IWD breakfast in 2014 and look forward to
seeing you again this year. Below is the flyer with the information for
the 2015 breakfast and details to book your place at this great event.

click image to load pdf
Yin Yang &
Vinyasa Yoga
click images to
download flyers
Missing Black Mountain Bike (Crane)
A few days ago a black mountain bike was taken from
the front of our house, 22 Robertson Road (directly behind Yamba). It
was up on our lower steps and we think it went just prior to the clean
out. It was not part of the clean out and we would like it back.
Please contact either:
Ant - 0415 846 172 or
Row - 0431 214 461
Or just return it to the lower steps.
Rooms to Rent on Scotland Island

Room 1
- $225 a week
Room 2
- $175 a week
Call Rachel 0406 239 946
Fibreglass or timber tender dinghy wanted. Must be in good condition.
Snubnose, 8ft long preferably.
If you have a boat you are no longer utilising for a reasonable price,
please call Peter on 0418 489 815.
Paddle that floated in after a recent storm
Bill LEE
Tutor Wanted
Yr. 12 Biology
Looking for a tutor (hopefully on Scotland Island) to help with Yr 12
Please contact Nikki on 0425 227792
out on a previous Newsletters - HERE
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at
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like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor ( or by clicking here. Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)