Herr Von Eschenbach- Der FDA Commissioner IAHF & John Hammell// The ANTI FDA
IAHF List: I learned early on as a kid growing up in the mean
streets of Northeast Jersey and New York City that its way better to be
pissed off than to be
pissed on. In that vein, I've set a hard boundary on FDA Commissioner Andrew Von
Eschenbach in the letter below which I'm
sending to you (below) for inspirational purposes to
get you all fired up!! I especially worded it to put
huge smiles on all yer faces- so I hope it
cheers ya up as much as it cheered me
up to send it to the weazly
fascistic swine
At 4 PM Monday May 7 S.1082 The (dangerous) FDA Prescription Drug User Fee Act comes back to the floor where they'll be debating and voting on the treacherous Cochran amendment which we must KILL. To refresh your memory, the Cochran amendment is bad because it undoes the Dorgan amendment which we all worked hard to pass last week. (The Dorgan amendment would allow Americans to import foreign drugs for a fraction of what we're forced to pay here. Although I don't personally use any RX drugs, this is good for people on fixed incomes who have cancer and stuff and need Rx drugs, but its also good because Herr Bush has vowed to kill S.1082 if this amendment is included, and the whole bill STINKS due to the language that threatens DSHEA (which we're also trying to get amended, but with a deadline of 3 pm to put any new amendments in, and with Hatch/Harken having abandoned us we might not get ours in so have to also go for a KILL!)
Please continue to utilize the form letter found at the end of the last alert here: https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive_show_message.php?jham+606 & If you appreciate our no holds barred style of ass kicking, kindly send IAHF a donation via IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd, Point Roberts WA 98281 or via paypal at http://www.iahf.com/index1.html to help us get back to DC to kill the House Companion bill to S.1082 in case we don't kill it in the Senate tomorrow!
To: Andrew C Von
Eschenbach, MD, FDA
Commissioner May
6, 2007
c/o Naomi Kawin Associate Director of the Americas
Office of International Programs
Office of the Commissioner
United States Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville MD 20857-0001
Dr.Von Eschenbach:
Its now been TEN MONTHS since I made my FREEDOM
OF INFORMATION ACT request demanding you send me your internal
documents re FOIA request #
2006-11318 in which I asked for your internal
documents regarding the FDA's Illegal Trilateral Cooperation
Charter With Canada and Mexico wherein via your treasonous
actions, America is being deconstructed for the purpose of forcing us into
a Fascist North American Union patterned after the
EU Dictatorship. You never
responded to my email of March 6th, 2007. (see it
WHERE are my documents? (And don't give me the
BS answer that you gave me on the phone last
time we talked "they're on computer tape inside one of our
If you fail to respond immediately, I
am going to file a lawsuit against the FDA in Federal District Court.
Your actions are infuriating a growing cross section of the
American people who do not wish to be culled as a result of UN Codex
initiated population control agendas being implemented via regional
harmonization behind our backs, and without either public scrutiny or
congressional oversight. My cyber based petition has now been signed by
21,228 very angry people and the
number who've been signing has been increasing exponentially as your
genocidal actions become better known- this is up from 8,615 signatures
just 2 months ago http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232#body
At the rate this is
going, we'll have over a million
signatures within the next year. I realize you don't give
a damn, but congress will, and you will be ridden out on a rail the way David
Kessler was if you don't get on the
stick and send me my documents IMMEDIATELY.
This issue has been discussed on World Net Daily:
On Coast
to Coast AM with George Noory, on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley, and
several other radio shows. The LONGER you continue to mess
with IAHF, the DEEPER I'll bury the
FDA and the FASTER you'll be FIRED, Dr.Von Eschenbach.
I am educating people using documentary films such as these:
The Real Face of the European Union
http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com/videos/EuropeanUnion.html and
National Problematique: The North American
The first film documents the fact that the EU was originally conceived by
the Nazi high command in the waning hours of WW2 as a long range means of
attaining the control of Europe via political means that had eluded the
ruling elite via military means.
The second film documents the fact that the North American Union being
pushed by the Council on Foreign Relations is being patterned directly
after the EU Dictatorship. This makes you a NAZI in my book, sir.
You are messing with the WRONG person and the wrong
organization because we don't take kindly to Terrorists operating
inside the Beltway.
John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Rd.
Point Roberts WA 98281
To: Naomi
Kawin March
US Country Coordinator Trilateral Cooperation Charter
Associate Director for the Americas
Office of International Programs
Office of The Commissioner
US Food & Drug Administration
cc to: Office of the Inspector General, Dept of Health
& Human Services
cc to: Congressman Ron Paul via his Legislative
Director and Via his Presidential Campaign Director Kent Snyder
cc to: Kevin C. Miller, Well TV
cc to: Connie Fogal, Canadian Action Party
cc to: Council of Canadians
bcc to: a Media contact who can get it directly to Lou Dobbs at CNN
Dear Ms. Kawin-
In July of 2006 (8 Months ago) I filed a FOIA request with the FDA to
request your internal documents pertaining to the Trilateral Cooperation
Charter with Canada & Mexico.Your
internal reference # for my request is
In November (as you can see from your email to me below) we communicated
regarding this request.
At that time, I was told that I would be sent documents by
"the end of
That did not
Next you told me I'd have them "by the end of
That didn't happen either.
Next you told me "by the end of February".
That didn't happen either.
We're seeing a
PATTERN here, and I
don't like it.
ME from accessing these documents?
Now its MARCH. I filed my FOIA request 8
months ago. What are you trying to hide?
When can I expect these documents to arrive? When hell freezes
over? After the USA has been deconstructed by the Commerce Department and
the FDA and been forced into a North American Union with Canada and
There is almost nothing in this website you told me in your email
below was being "propagated with documents"
The meeting agenda for 2006 isn't there, and the site hasn't been
updated since October 2006.
I am formally complaining about this matter by copying the Inspector General's Office at
HHS on this email (paffairs@oig.hhs.gov) and would
an immediate response from you by email
as to when I can expect to start receiving documents per my FOIA request?
I am also copying a Media person who can get this
directly to Lou Dobbs at CNN, Congressman Ron Paul's Presidential
Campaign and other interested parties.
Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Fifteen people so far
have signed a petition calling for Congressional
Oversight on this matter
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232?ltl=1173228527#body and with each day that you drag
your feet on responding to this FOIA request, more people keep signing.
Congressman Ron Paul is running for President, http://www.ronpaulexplore.com and if the FDA fails to come
clean on this issue, he will be using this issue to gain the support of
the millions of Americans who flooded Congress with the largest volume of
mail ever sent to Congress on ANY ISSUE in the
HISTORY of Congress during the successful
campaign to pass the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act of
It is
apparent to me, and to many others observing the FDA's actions at
meetings of the UN Codex Alimentarius Commission, and with regards to the
Trilateral Cooperation Charter that the FDA is attempting to make an end
run around existing US law where dietary supplements are concerned, and
that the Executive Branch of our government is engaged in High Treason as
they're attempting to carry out the will of the Council on Foreign
Relations which seeks to deconstruct our country and to force us into a
North American Union.http://www.cfr.org/publication/8102/ Lou
Dobbs- North American Union: Orwellian Brave New World:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H65f3q_Lm9U Libertarian Stan Jones (US
Senate Candidate) of Montana Tells the Truth on C-Span: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M5GK9Na8KU
Let me know by email when its been sent.
Contrary to what FDA seems to think, you are NOT above the
John Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Rd.
Point Roberts WA 98281
At 10:45 AM 11/21/2006, you wrote:
Dear Mr. Hammell,
It was nice meeting you via telephone today. As we discussed, I am writing you to confirm that we will have a teleconference on Monday, December 4 at 12:00 noon Pacific Time (3:00 PM EST) to discuss your FOIA request. We will call you at 1-800-333-2553.
FDA participants in the call will be:
1. An FDA FOIA official (to be determined)
2. Gary Coody, FDA's representative on the Mexico, U.S., Canada Health Fraud Group (MUCH) of the Trilateral Cooperation initiative
3. Naomi Kawin., the U.S. Country Coordinator for the Trilateral Cooperation initiative
As I mentioned, the Trilateral Cooperation initiative now has a website, and we are in the process of populating it with documents. Below is the website's home page address:
To learn more about Trilateral Cooperation activities on dietary supplements, please look at the information from the MUCH working group on that website. You can access that information by clicking on "Health Fraud" in the index at the left-hand side of the Trilateral Cooperation home page. You can also access information from the MUCH group by clicking on the highlights box that appears in the center or right of the screen.
You may also wish to review the Terms of Reference for the MUCH working group. These can be found in Appendix B of the Trilateral Cooperation Charter, which lists the Terms of Reference for all the Trilateral working groups. The Charter is accessible by clicking on "Charter" in the index at the left-hand side of the Trilateral Cooperation home page.
Sincerely yours,
Naomi Kawin
Associate Director for the Americas
Office of International Programs
Office of the Commissioner
Food and Drug Administration
phone: 301-827-0590
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