BPS Newsletter - Issue 69                                                                                       18 December 2013
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 18 December
Next Wednesday is the last meeting of the year and is the social event of the season - the BPS Christmas Social. Members are asked to bring along a small amount of festive fodder (either solid or liquid) which will be put on the banqueting table for all to consume. Please come along and enter into the festive spirit, this is a good opportunity for the newer members get to know and chat to some of the older fogies in the Society and for the older fogies to get to chat to someone under 60!

This week's edition of the Newsletter is the last of 2013, and as I (and the boss!) will be in deepest Pembrokeshire next week, may I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing you all in 2014, all bright eyed and bushy tailed and with your shutter fingers poised to take yet more winning images!
Talking of winning images, the upcoming festive break is the ideal opportunity to get your entry for the 2014 Bristol Salon sorted and submitted, especially as we can expect the usual rubbish on the telly and you're bound to want an excuse to escape those screaming kids as they fight over who's got control of the Xbox and granny who's moaning because her sherry glass is empty (again)!
Full entry details were included in the email you all received on 8 December.

Print Competition - Round 2
Round 2 of the Print Competition was last Wednesday and was ably judged by Peter Weaver who stepped in at the last minute following the withdrawl of the previously booked judge. Peter is an old friend of BPS and the evening was both entertaining and informative; Peter's mix of wit and constructive comments made it an evening where few could dispute the final result and no-one who didn't finish in the frame could feel agrieved. That's a first place in Round 2 (Advanced) of both the Projected Image Competition and the Print Competition for Derwood and first place in Rounds 1 & 2 (Intermediate) for Mike, looks like Mr Bigger could be joining the big boys in the Advanced section next season if he carries on at this rate!
The results are as follows:
Photographer Title Award

Mike Bigger Eddy Emanuel 1st
Paul Smith No Diving 2nd
Joan Symes Rainbow Weather 3rd
Mike Bigger Tail Lights HC
Mike Bigger Skateboard Girl HC
Mike Fox Scottish Sunset HC


Derwood Pamphilon Poised 1st
John Hudson Broadbilled Humming Bird 2nd
Beryl Heaton On The Sea Shore 3rd
Mike Bews Contemplating The Next Muddy Hill HC
Mike Bews Cormorant Island HC
Gordon Bunney All Roads Lead To Rome HC
John Hudson Ballet Dancers HC
Barry Mead Sandhill Crane, Ice Take Off HC
Derwood Pamphilon 5 Movements HC
Patsy Southwell A Colourful Place HC
Gordon Stirrat Storm, Glen Etive HC
Gordon Thomas Derelict Pier HC

The Winners
First - Intermediate
Eddy Emanuael
Mike Bigger
First - Advanced
Derwood Pamphilon

Success in the Guardian
We end the year on a successful note. Two of our members Maureen and Rob Gillet recently entered a photographic competition in the Guardian newspaper, the theme of which was "Snack" and they were among the winners. Their two images, both taken in Cuba, are reproduced below along with their short descriptions of the images:
Maureen's shot - 'A girl pops her head out of the upstairs window of a cafe in Havana, Cuba'
Rob's - 'While strolling through Trinidad (an old colonial town in Cuba), I noticed
the boy, sitting by the colourful buildings, enjoying a quick snack'

PSA Interclub Creative Competition
After our success in last year's PSA Interclub Creative Competition, we are now about to enter this year's fray. We need creative images from members, so if you think you have something that might be suitable, please email them to Barry Mead (barrymead@blueyonder.co.uk). Images should be in the same format as used for club competitions. From our experience last year, it would seem that the wackier and more off the wall images are, the better they do; straightforward use of Photoshop filters alone doesn't seem to work.

Andrew Lays Down His Marker At The RPS
Not content with getting his ARPS recently, Andrew Marker has now had two of his images accepted in the RPS Digital Group DPIC 2013 competition. The two images, Venice Carnival and Rainy Day In Lourdes, are reproduced above.

Exhibition to Visit
Bath Photographic Society
Members of the Bath Photographic Society will stage their Annual Exhibition from 17 -21  December at:

Bath Central Library,
The Podium,
BA1 5AN. 
Admission free.

The Podium is in the main centre of Bath, and the Library is above Waitrose. Parking is in a multi storey car park next to the Podium. The event is sponsored by London Camera Exchange

For further details about the society visit http://www.bathphotographicsociety.org.uk/

Bridgwater Arts Centre Exhibition - Entries Invited
Bridgwater Arts Centre are staging an Open Photography Exhibition called 'Captured in Time'
WCPF President, Eddy Lane, has agreed to Chair the judging and he and his wife will launch the event with a slide presentation of one of their expeditions. Two trophies will be awarded, one for a single shot and the other for a series.
Full details and a submission form are available from their website.

The Man in Red Trousers Strikes Again!
I have received the following from BPS member, Nicky Williams, the contents of which are self explanatory:

Hi everyone

As some of you may have seen in the local press recently, The Family Learning Centre (which includes the Darkroom and Studio Facilities) in Grosvenor Road St Pauls is facing an uncertain future as the building is due to be sold as part of the City Council's budget cuts.  

Although you may have long since abandoned traditional photography for the world of digital, the centre is still a valuable resource as being the only public access darkrooms in the South West open 7 days a week, and runs a wide variety of workshops and courses, as well as providing an opportunity for those who want to run a course or workshop. I can speak from personal experience to say it has a lot to offer, is really well equipped and Wendy and Chris put in time and effort above and beyond what is required of them to keep the darkrooms going for all.

For more information about the Council's proposals and the public consultation meetings which are currently in progress, visit the wordpress site:
stpaulsdarkrooms.wordpress.com/ and follow the links.  

There is also an online petition which please consider signing.  Please click here.

In the meantime, courses are running as planned and some new shorter courses and workshops are in the pipeline.   If you have any interest in what the site has to offer (whether you want to sign up for a course/workshop or run one yourself) please contact either me, or better still, Wendy Leocque via the wordpress site.

Please pass this information to as many of your photographic contacts as possible

Thank you.

Nicola Williams (Member of Bristol Photographic Society and St Pauls Darkrooms)

Trumpet Blowers' Corner
I'm a bit fed up with having to type everyone elses name in this section, but never my own. So to hell with it, I'm going to blow my own trumpet this week - I've won a quid on a Lottery scratch card!
If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Items For Sale
Colin Hajee has the following for sale:
  • Canon 20D DSLR with battery grip & original packaging - £80.00
  • Canon 5D Mrk 1 DSLR with battery grip & original packaging - £350.00
  • Epson R2400 A3+ Colour Printer with original box etc. - £150.00
  • Epson 2100 A3+ Colour Printer with original box etc. - £50.00
All items are in very good condition, the printers have hardly been used.
Please contact Colin at ask@colinhajee.co.uk
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixel
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: secretary@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                 Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk