Offshore Residents
of Pittwater, Australia
A Thankyou to Bill Gye
After receiving a number of emails privately thanking Bill for his
contribution, I thought it would be appropriate to sum up the general
feeling about Bill's tireless efforts.
The article by Bill Gye (load PON 17-11-2009 here) has
failed to acknowledge the tremendous efforts by Bill Gye himself.
Bill's involvement in this whole process goes back longer than most of
us care to remember. His great advocacy for the
community, patient and balanced approach to the many
varied issues is to be applauded. Without his gentle, yet persuasive
approach we would not have achieved what we have so
Take a bow Bill you really deserve it.
Our thanks to you.
Julian Muir

Church Point
Masterplan Approved by Council
a historic decision, Pittwater Council has approved a final version of
the Church Point Masterplan, after nearly two decades of debate on the
future use of Church Point Reserve and adjoining areas.
More than 200 residents attended the Council meeting on Monday 16
November to see the vote taken on the Masterplan.
recommendations concerning the Masterplan were all approved, with an
additional recommendation moved by Cr James that asked for
consideration within the Plan of future anticipated sea level rise
Mayor Harvey Rose said the decision to approve the
Masterplan signalled the end of a long decision-making process
involving Church Point and offshore residents which had been ongoing
for the last two years.
“This decision now provides a way forward for us to improve the whole
Church Point area,” he said.
Mayor Rose paid tribute to staff and residents for their efforts in
negotiating a successful outcome for the Masterplan.
said that implementation of the Church Point Masterplan would be a
staged process over several years, dependant on Council and other
government funding.
“We are already seeking grant funding from
the state government to enable components of the plan to be funded on a
dollar-for-dollar basis,” he said.
Mayor Rose added that
consensus had been reached with offshore residents over a user-pays
system for car-parking and boat tie-up facilities.
Masterplan approved this week at the Council meeting divides the Church
Point area into three distinct precincts for future upgrading and
Precinct One – including McCarrs Creek Road west
of the general store, the dinghy commuter wharf and cargo wharf, plus
Rostrevor Reserve – would see the construction of a new sea wall,
dinghy facilities, a pedestrian boardwalk, car parking and wharf
Under the Masterplan, Precinct Two – including Thomas
Stevens Reserve, the public wharves, the general store and the Pasadena
function centre – would see upgrades to the wharves, pedestrian access,
more boat tie-ups and improvements to the reserve, including lighting,
seating and landscaping.
Precinct 3 – the Church Point Reserve
and its immediate surroundings – would see construction of an improved
seawall, a designated car parking area including motorcycle and cycle
parking, extra tie-up facilities for boat-owners and landscaping
The Council appointed an independent panel of
experts in planning, landscaping, environmental law and economics to
assist with developing a final version of the Masterplan.
To view the Church Point Masterplan in detail, visit
Media contact: Chris Hunt, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1133
Evening with the Commitments
Doghouse and Scotland Island Players
at the Blues
“If I’d known it was going to be that good I’d have
invited my mainland friends!”
Kindy Committee are running a bar with an extensive range of drinks and
snacks, so make sure you bring plenty of cash. Proceeds will
spent on repairs to the trampoline, arts equipment and a special kids'
sized workbench.
There will also be a special, abridged kids
performance on Saturday 21st at 2pm - all ages welcome. There
will be a gold coin donation at the door.
Friday & Saturday Nov 20 & 21 at 7:30
Friday & Saturday Nov 27 & 28 at 7:30
$15 per head
Tickets from;
PMC Hill - 9999 4902
Rosemary @ Scotland island Lodge - 9979 3301
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