October 3, 2019 For immediate Release:
Singing for the Shelter, a Benefit Concert
As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, The Shelter Inc. of Lawrence County is hosting a free benefit concert Sunday, October 14, at the historic Crockett Theater. A wide variety of msuicians from the area are contributing their talents, using the power of music to open hearts and bring people  together in support of this important service for our community.
The show opens at 2 PM with The Herstons, a brother and two sisters who share their southern gospel harmonies with the congregation of Gum Springs Baptist Church every Sunday. They’ll share the stage with four young ladies who form the Gum Springs Quartet, along with Larry Golden and Renee Cobb. Count on them to deliver the spirit of a good ol’ church singin’.
Jemma Perran spends her days as a hospice Chaplin, caring for families all across our region, but at home and in a number of churches, she accompanies herself on piano, with a voice that will make you stop, close your eyes, and let your heart fill with gladness.
Katie Danielle is an upcoming Christian pop singer who is making a name for herself opening for bands in the Christian rock circuit. You can get a preview of her music and the tunes Redemption Song and Light of the World, two cuts from her debut album at her web page, https://katiedaniellemusic.bandcamp.com/
Perhaps the biggest star in the lineup is Luke Richardson, two-time nation champion old-time banjo player. Old Time, also known as “clawhammer” is a form of picking that predates bluegrass, coming straight from the hills and hollers of Appalachia. Luke has toured extensively throughout the U.S. and Europe, which is where he met his wife Lisa, a native of Great Britain, and a fantastic fiddle player in her own right. A couple years ago Luke and Lisa returned to settle down on a small farm in Luke’s hometown of Lawrenceburg, a place to call home between tours. Luke’s downhome charm comes through as he introduces songs with a dry sense of humor and wit that fits in perfectly with the music.
The show will close with some good ol’ rock and roll by home town favorite John Ezell and friends. John’s reputation as a musician is well established all across Middle Tennessee and northern Alabama. His thunderous bass lines can be counted on to bring down the house as the foundation of the solid power trio, Fried Corn Bread. One friend in particular will be WLX’s own Carolyn Thompson, who sang with John’s band at numerous shows in the past and will be coming on board, holding her own with the boys.
The concert is being produced by Matt Dunkin of Dunkin’s Market. Matt Dunkin is chairman of the Shelter’s board of directors, and the goal of the concert is to raise awareness of the Shelter’s role in supporting the women and children of our area who week refuge from domestic violence.
The event is being co-produced by Douglas Stevenson, who also organized the benefit concert at the Crockett Theater in response to the Haiti earthquake of 2010, performing with his bluegrass band NightTrain. Douglas will share a song or two on stage, and he along with other performers at the event can be heard performing live on WLX morning shows with Carolyn and Eddie and the WDXE morning show with Jeff Hood, in the days leading up to the concert.
The concert is free and all are welcome. If you like what you hear, donations for the Shelter will be much appreciated and there will be opportunities during the show to contribute to this worthy cause.
Who among us has not benefitted from a helping hand? We all benefit when women, mothers and children feel safe. A shelter from the storm, in a journey toward the light, with music to lead us home!
Our tentative schedule:
1:30 – 2 PM pre-show warm up music
2 PM The Herston Family. The Gum Springs Quartet, Larry Golden and Renee Cobb  – Southern Gospel
2:30 Jemma Perran – Modern Gospel, Accompanying herself on piano, Jemma’s voice lights up the room!
3 PM Katie Danielle  – a Christian Indie Pop artist, opening for the bands Sidewalk Prophets, and 7eventh Time Down, and Thousand Foot Krutch. Listen to her music and buy her album at https://katiedaniellemusic.bandcamp.com/
3:30 Luke and Lisa Richardson – Luke is the two time national old time banjo ward winner, With his wife Lisa on fiddle, this is some of the best traditional music you have ever heard.
4:15 PM Johnny Izel and Friends with The Fried Cornbread Band, with Gary Vance, and other special guests
For more information, contact: contact@theshelterforchange.org
Douglas Stevenson
Village Media