Monday, September 25, 2006

Ephesians 6:10-11 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


A bulletproof vest made out of Kevlar can withstand bullets the size of a .357 Magnum. Persons who have been hit with a bullet of this size describe the impact like that of being hit by a bolt of lightning. If you want protection from bullets shot from guns, you need a bullet proof vest, like those made of Kevlar, lined with armor plates, etc.

This may work for stopping bullets, but it does not offer protection from other kinds of weapons or tactics used by your enemies. The enemies we speak of are not using conventional weapons like guns or knives. Your chief enemy, the devil, uses tricks and deception that cannot be repelled by shields of steel and vests of Kevlar.

For protection from this enemy, we go to the Word of God that says "be strong in the Lord" and "put on the whole armor of God."

Note first of all that we are not going to find strength inside ourselves, but in the Lord. Even if we try to "dig down deep" inside of ourselves, the strength is just not there to find. We are to be strong in the Lord, who has power and strength were we have none.

It's also significant that we are to put on the whole armor of God. Just one select piece will not do. The equation of Our Strength plus God's Armor does not add up. The math only works when it is All God's strength and the Whole armor of God.

With this ultimate protection in place, and having the strength and power of God in the place of our weakness, we overpower our enemies. The strength of our Lord Jesus Christ that defeated the devil at the cross is ours. His power and might, which shields us from our unconventional enemies, offers total protection.

Be strong in the Lord (not yourself), and in the power of His might, and put on the whole armor of God (not just a piece), as He protects you from all attacks. To God ALONE the glory.