Daily Devotions
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Luke 24:36 (NKJV) As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, "Peace to you!"
Easter Peace in the Risen Jesus
The traditional Israelite greeting is “Shalom” – “peace.” Peace is a word that means a good deal more when it comes from the mouth of the Risen Savior. The peace that Jesus gives opens our minds to the true peace of reconciliation between natural-born sinners and the Righteous Judge – God the Father. We learn from Scripture that our sins have created a great chasm between God and us. The gap between the Holy God and unholy mankind is massive. Imagine being told that you need to cross the Grand Canyon and the only way you’re allowed to do it is by jumping. I don’t care how big of a running start you take; it’s not going to happen!
The gap between God and all humans can only be closed by the cross of Christ. Through the infinite love of God, Christ bridges the gap between God and mankind. He proclaims a peace which makes us at-one with God! This is the peace “which the world cannot give.” This is the “peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” This is the “peace of God which passes all understanding.”
The message of Jesus opens our minds to the true peace of sins forgiven and righteousness and joy in the Holy Spirit! Now, let’s be clear, the peace that Jesus gives is NOT the absence of trouble. But it is the confidence of eternal peace with God and the confidence that Jesus is with us now and always! The apostles still had troubles. They were some of the most persecuted men in the history of the world. From what we can tell, all of the apostles except John were martyred – killed for their faith in Jesus. And John was exiled to a tiny little island.
Where did the strength to endure such hardship come from? It came from the “Shalom” – the peace that Jesus won. It still does! The peace that Jesus gives, gives us the confidence that he has won! Because He won, we have won eternity with Him. He is with us always, till the end of the age!
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