Thursday, April 13, 2017

Isaiah 53:5 …The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.


Sin is no light matter. Sin destroyed peace between God and man. It made us enemies of God, for sin offends God's holiness.

Reconciliation was needed before peace could be reestablished between sinners and God. For reconciliation to happen, blood had to be shed, for "without shedding blood there is no remission" (Hebrews 9:22).

However, not just any blood would do, for "none of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him--for the redemption of their souls is costly…" (Psalm 49:7 f.).

What was needed was the blood of the Lamb of God--The Servant of the Lord who shed His holy, precious blood in the sinner's stead. His beaten, bleeding body brought Him grief, but brought us healing--spiritual healing from the leprosy of sin, and its consequences, death and hell.

The result is peace restored. Through faith in Christ we are no longer vessels of God's wrath but objects of His mercy. We have been reconciled! Paul writes: "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1).

Whenever we read or hear the Passion story, may we see in it suffering for the Lord's Servant, but blessing for us.

Thou, ah! Thou, hast taken on Thee Bonds and stripes, a cruel rod;
Pain and scorn were heaped upon Thee, O Thou sinless Son of God!
Thus didst Thou my soul deliver From the bonds of sin forever.
Thousand, thousand thanks shall be, Dearest Jesus, unto Thee.
(The Lutheran Hymnal, 151:2)