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Hello Cat Lover!

Here's what's in this issue:

Cat Island in Japan, doing well...
Animal control statistics severely lacking...
Cat food news...old petfood recall claims to be paid
Stuff for Cat lovers...what is Fiverr?
Web sites to explore...
A smile for you...


Tashirojima, the cat island of Japan, is doing well

An update from the Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and
Support (JEARS) organization has confirmed that Tashirojima,
an island in Japan famous for having an abundant number of
cats, is doing well post-earthquake, according to Discovery News.

The JEARS center posted the following message on Facebook:

"Just to give everyone an update on Tashirojima, the cat island:
The people and cats are safe but short of food. A volunteer looked
into transporting food by boat, but there is too much debris in the
water. A helicopter is the only way. The army will probably get a
helicopter ready soon so we are looking into the possibility of
asking them to take cat food, too."

Tashirojima is located in the Miyagi Prefecture, which was severely
hit by the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and ensuing tsunamis. The
small fishing area has only 100 residents, but so many cats that
it has earned the nickname, "Cat Island."

More about Cat Island: http://yhoo.it/gNbrR0

[About 100,000 people have been lost or are still missing following
the March 11 earthquake, which was the largest on record in Japan's


Did you know that virtually 100% of feral cats captured by animal
control agencies are simply killed? Considered unadoptable and
not worth the effort to tame, they have absolutely no future. However,
the percentages aren't much better for traditional shelters and city
pounds when dealing with household pets that have been picked up.

Only shelters that have a no-kill policy provide any hope of life for
abandoned, relinquished or rescued pets, especially cats.

What can you do?
Demand that local agencies keep records, for starters. You see,
hardly anyone is keeping track. Very few states require animal
control statistics. Changes in this area must come from local
citizens insisting on better tracking of animals in the system.
Typically, any animal control activity is loosely included either
in some "general fund" or perhaps in the local city police budget
as a miscellaneous expense. This makes it impossible to chart
animal control activities that might help anyone who is trying to
develop some plans. I tried to find out what my city spends on
animal control, but they honestly don't know. Thus, it's impossible
for me to prove that my rescue work has saved them any money.
With no statistics to compare mine to, it becomes a "non issue"
to them.

Pet owners who filed claims after the 2007 Menu Foods pet
food recall may finally have a small bit of closure to their
nightmare. Due to a court ruling on April 5, those claims look
like they’re going to be paid.
Story: http://fb.me/yAVlqgHK
Here are two sites that provide the latest info on what's
being recalled:

1. www.avma.org/petfoodsafety/recalls/default.asp
(from the American Veterinary Medical Association -
a review of all the latest petfood recalls and alerts.)

2. www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/newpetfoodrecalls
(from the US Food and Drug Administration)


Help Feed Shelter Animals

Don't forget to visit these sites as often as you can and
click on the shelter-feed links. There is no cost to you
to do this.



http://www.freekibblekat.com/ (Answer a trivia question...
even a wrong answer gives a donation.)

You can sign up for their daily reminders, too, if you need
a little nudge, like I do.

STUFF FOR CATS (and cat lovers)
Have you ever heard of Fiverr.com? What a fun website to
visit. Even if you don't buy anything there, it's very entertaining
to read what people will do for 5 bucks. Just browse the lists
at www.fiverr.com and you'll see what I mean.
I couldn't resist, so I signed up and here's what I'm doing for
five bucks: http://bit.ly/fT8GKK

Maybe I can buy a few more bags of cat food! I keep looking
for ways to support all these guys!

http://bit.ly/fvz5d7 Latest video on pet food and nutrition.

http://www.theproblemcat.com/letsmove/ How to Move With Pets
http://bit.ly/daZr9h - Flea Control Secrets

WEB SITES to explore

Helpful information if you're traveling with your pet:

Download the ebook, Senior Cat Care Guidelines

ASPCA Guide to Pet-Safe Gardening (Just about time to start
planting some veggies!)

Pet Poison Helpline (Note, this is a new URL. The one
I've listed in previous issues is no longer online.)
Keep this information "on top," that is, don't bury
it in a notebook or on your computer. When (if) you
should need it, you don't want to waste time looking for it.

Send a talking cat E-card!
You choose what to say and this site either generates the
audio, or you can phone in your own voice.


Check out the latest video on my website, at the top of the page.
[It's another Simon's Cat cartoon! I love these...]

These sites provide up to date information on how to help animals:

1. http://www.pet-abuse.org
If you're so inclined, it's a good resource to find petitions to
sign, letters to write, or other actions we can take to help pets in
abuse situations.

2. http://www.dosomething.org/whatsyourthing/Animal+Welfare
A good resource for helping people decide what kinds of help best
fit their own abilities and interests.

3. http://bit.ly/1YfBeo
Five quick, easy ways to help rescue pets NOW!

4. http://www.hipaws.com/help.html
Help feed the kitties that didn't get adopted. There is a secure
PayPal donation button at the bottom of the page.


If you ever want to review past issues, here is where
they are stored:

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R.J.Peters, "the Cat Lady." You can unsubscribe

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this one to them. If they want to sign up to get
their own, refer them to my web site, here:

http://www.theproblemcat.com/ (use the signup form)
or go directly to:

Roberta, the Cat Lady
mskitty @ theproblemcat.com

Disclaimer: This email newsletter may contain
affiliate links that may provide compensation to
our shelter if a purchase is made. (Yes, we need
the help.)