Hi Cat Lover,

Here's what's in this issue:

More on cats flying... Pet Airways
Cats purr to get what they want...
Rare white tiger with no stripes...
Pet food news...
Products for cats...
Interesting web sites...
Take action to help cats....


More information about Pet Airways
They have added more cities to their schedules.


For those of us who have had cats for a long while, and actually
pay attention to them, it's fairly well known that some cats have different
purrs for different situations. My Happycat knows that my
husband is slightly deaf, so he purrs louder for him than anyone
else. Callie inserts a kind of urgency into her purring in the
morning to remind us that she needs to eat before we do. ;-)
A few others have worked out what they think will impress
us most, in order to get what they want, too.

Now, a team of researchers has actually decided to study this
behavior to see if there is any consistency and validity to the
idea, or if we humans are just imagining it.

Well, we're not imagining it... they really do customize their meows
and purrs in order to elicit a desired reaction from us. The researchers
are calling it a way to manipulate humans. I don't like to think
of it that way, because everyone on the planet "manipulates" others
to get what they want. So why shouldn't cats do it too? It's normal.
Even necessary.

"Manipulate" sounds so negative. But it's really a positive action,
because it's related to survival tactics. Isn't it nicer to do something
they know pleases us, rather than something vengeful that annoys,
like peeing on something? (Of course, some of them do that, too.
Isn't there some way we could teach them to purr instead of pee
on the bed?)



Rare white tiger born without stripes:



Since the petfood recalls two years ago, a lot of work has been done
(and is being done) to ensure quality and safety of petfoods. One very
interesting method being studied in Italy now is what has been
called the E-Nose... an electronic sniffing device that uses an array
of electronic chemical sensors to detect molecules that indicate
freshness, spoilage, and even the type of protein used. This will
eliminate the human error factor and ensure a more scientifically
accurate way to


By now, you've probably heard about "going green," or, changing
how we do things to minimize or eliminate the negative impact on
the environment. In the spirit of "green," these petfood companies
are doing what they can to protect the planet while producing
quality products for our pets:

Purina in Denver, Colorado dedicated a new solar panel array on
May 14, covering about 21,000 square feet on the roof of their plant.
If things work well, they plan to put solar systems on their plants in
Flagstaff, Arizona and Maricopa, California.

Novus International, headquartered in St. Charles, Missouri, was just
honored by the U.S. Green Building Council for their under-the-floor
air system and solar panels, and much of the materials used in the
construction of their new plant came from recycled materials.

Canidae All Natural Pet Foods in Oklahoma is operating with wind-
generated electricity.


Help Feed Shelter Animals

Don't forget to visit these sites as often as you can
to click on the shelter-feed links. There is no cost to you
to do this, but it can only be done once per day.

http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/ (Just click to donate)

http://pets.care2.com/i?p=868775137 (click to donate)

http://www.freekibblekat.com/ (Answer a trivia question...
even a wrong answer gives a donation.)

You can sign up for their daily reminders, too, if you need
a little nudge, like I do.


If your cat hates having to wear that darn big cone/collar
for certain problems, here is an alternative that may be
more comfortable: inflatable E-collars!



Losing our beloved pets can be devastating. It's one of those
inevitable events in life, but it's not so easy to accept having
to say good bye. Here is a somewhat new technology being
used for such times that some people have found to be more
comforting: A modern freeze-drying process that allows our
furry friends to stay with us forever.


It's not cheap, but then, it's not as expensive as I thought it
might be, either. It does take longer than I expected, though.
Depending on size, it can take several months to a year to
complete the preservation.

WEB SITES to explore


Download the ebook, Senior Cat Care Guidelines

ASPCA Guide to Pet-Safe Gardening - Link to full page:

ticks and flea treatment

(How to move when you have pets)

(Because every cat deserves to be comfortable!)

(Information about getting pet insurance)


Some cat trivia: Both cats and humans have identical regions
in the brain responsible for emotion (that's why we love em!).

-------------------------- LATEST VIDEO -------------------

Check out the video on my website, at the bottom of the page.

(It shows a cat that says "Hello.")


If you want to see more videos, go to my blog:
and then go clear to the bottom of the page, where I have
a "Video Bar" with several cat videos that change out every
so often. So there is always a fresh one there in case
you need a cat video fix and can't wait for the next Kitty Times!

This section may contain stories that are potentially disturbing,
as they may be about abuse or other sad situations. They are presented
only if there is some action we can take, such as signing a petition.
No stories will be listed that are sad with no way to handle it.
If you do not wish to read about these, do not click on the links.

Well, this is unsettling. That teenage girl in New York didn't
get very much punishment for her role in killing a kitten:


Thanks to all who wrote to the authorities in this case to request
a full review and punishment.

Here are some issues we can help with now:

Protect Florida's panthers - legislators need to define habitat:

Sign petition to stop using animals from shelters for research.

Click here to send a thank you note to prosecutors in Florida
for enforcing anti-cruelty laws after more than 30 cats were found
killed in the Miami area: http://bit.ly/helpingcats
However, after the boy was found, he was released: http://bit.ly/JTkVo


Do you have any interesting stories to share about your
cats? Send them in and I'll put them here in
this newsletter. (Include your name and website
if you have one, and I'll give you a "plug" for
your website. Or, anonymous is OK, too. It's
up to you.)


If you ever want to review past issues, here is where
they are stored:

We will NOT rent or sell your info. You are
subscribed to a free email newsletter from
R.J.Peters, "the Cat Lady." You can unsubscribe

If you know someone who would like to read
this newsletter, please feel free to forward
this one to them. If they want to sign up to get
their own, refer them to my web site, here:

http://www.theproblemcat.com/ (use the signup form)
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