<monitor input>
Supplying the finest sound acquisition and reference monitoring systems - absolute essentials for the audio professional!
Welcome to <monitor input> the occasional newsletter from
Sound-Link ProAudio
UK Distributor for: Microtech Gefell, ME-Geithain, AETA Audio, Håkan & the "Turtle"
Welcome to the August issue of <monitor input>
New server for Sound-Link website, superb reviews for ME-Geithain monitors and ME-Geithain RL 944K monitors now on demo in the UK - see below - it's very interesing reading. |
During the last couple of weeks the Sound-Link website and e-mail were moved to new servers by our ISP.
The first move had a lot of missing pictures and broken links, so the move was re-done over the last 48-hours.
Everything seems to be fine now and, hopefully, the website will be faster to load.
However, if you do find anything obviously missing or any broken links, please let us know.
The "contact form" is not working at the moment, but should be fixed soon. If you have sent us a message via the contact form and have not received a reply, please send us an e-mail.
Also, the e-mail was down for about 24-hours at the end of July so, if you sent us an e-mail and have not received a reply, please send it again as it would have been lost in the switchover.
But all appears fine now.
ME-Geithain - The Reasons Why ...
During 2013-2015, David Zells of Lydspesialisten in Norway, tested every High End Studio Monitor he could lay his hands on (and this was a lot) and published the results as they happened on the Gearslutz internet forum.
The result: he sold his previous monitors and purchased two pairs of ME-Geithain monitors: The RL 801K-1 for his main monitors and the RL 944K-1 for his nearfield monitors.
With David's permission we have compiled a 3-page PDF which details his reasons why he chose ME-Geithain monitors over all the other high quality monitors on the market; we also list several of his quotes that he posted while doing the testing - it makes very interesting reading.
In addition - a studio in the US, who discovered ME-Geithain monitors as a result of these tests, bought a pair of the RL 944K and, after they arrived, posted:-
"I finally took delivery of my Geithain RL 944Ks yesterday. After living
with a set of RL 940s for just over a year (which I loved), I really have
to say I'm completely blown away and shocked at how the RL 944Ks sound. These things are everything I could ever want in a monitor, and more!! I
was expecting that they would be noticeably better than the RL 940s, but
I wasn't expecting it to be like this! Incredibly revealing, deep subs
and smooth rich sounding highs - and the amazing Geithain 3D soundstage. If anyone reading this has ever contemplated getting your hands on a
set of these, I whole heartedly encourage you to do it - you won't be
I honestly can't put into words how incredible these
things sound. Immediately I can hear where mixes I've been working on
can be improved. I'm also shocked at how low they go, it sounds like
there's a separate sub in the room! They're smooth and non-fatiguing
even at higher volumes, and they seem to handle everything with ease. Now I just need to go back and remix everything I've ever done......LOL"
I'm delighted that I contacted David after he started these tests and encouraged him to include ME-Geithain monitors in the test. Originally I just wanted to hear what he thought, but am delighted that they came out on top over all other monitors tested.
ME-Geithain RL 944K now on demonstration in the UK

Due to the suberb reviews on Gearslutz and the fact that, along with the RL 906, the RL 944K are among the top-5 viewed items on the website, we have purchased a demonstration pair for the UK.
Our demonstration pair are in "birdseye maple", rather than the standard "black ash" finish as we feel this really sets them off.
The RL 944K are part of ME-Geithains "K" series monitors - these, uniquely, have a cardioid response at low frequencies so that bass frequencies do not radiate from the rear of the cabinet to reflect off the rear wall to cause cancellations and muddying of the bass - details here.
They will normally live at our premeses in Oxfordshire and will be taken out on request for people who want to hear them properly - however, for this month (August 2015) they will be on demonstration at The Studio Shop in London.
These are really such wonderful monitors that exceeded our expectations when we ran them up after they arrived and feel that all the excellent comments made about them are no exaggeration.
So - if you want to hear them, give us a call.
NB: We now have three pairs of ME-Geithain monitors permanently in the UK: The RL 906, RL 944K and the RL 901K - the 906 and 944K normally abide with Sound-Link in Oxfordshire and the 901K normally live at KMR in north London - any of these Sound-Link can demonstrate in your own environment on request.