Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am   
  September-October 2014
 The Minyan Monthly
From the Rosh
Our services for the high holidays will have a theme of "transformation." The introspection, the confessing and the apologizing we do are necessary steps, but the real pay off comes from changing ourselves so that our shortcomings are diminished and our good qualities enhanced. These changes may address our most personal behavior with ourselves and God, or they may affect our relationships with family, friends, and community. And let's not forget our effect on the rest of Creation and our responsibilities to be good stewards of the earth.
Let me suggest that you make a personal list of some specific areas you want to improve in the coming year. A short list, so you can realistically focus some attention on each item. Don't just write down your sin, but add a note on what you are going to do differently in the future. Slip this into your mahzor at one of the many places we recite the traditional al hayt (list of sins).
When the service reaches that place, take a moment to picture the problem, and how bad it made you feel. Use that energy to inscribe in your heart and your mind the new way you want to behave in the future. Remember that one of God's greatest gifts is the ability to choose and to change. Then rejoin the kahal in the swelling close of the joint confessional to seal the better path in your resolve.
G'mar chatimah tovah
— Carl Sunshine
Library Minyan High Holy Day Services for 5775 (2014)
This year's HHD theme "Transformation" was put forward by the Ritual Committee. This theme will infuse all the drashot and some additional elements of the services.
At this time, all positions of shlichim, darshanim, leyners, Haftorah readers, and other functions are filled, except for the following:
1. We need volunteers for P'zukeh d'zimrah for the Second Day of Rosh Hashana  and Yom Kippur morning.  Please contact me if you would like to lead one of these; we need you.
2. If anyone would like to read a particular English page from the Mahzor, please contact me and I will give it to you if it’s still available.
3. If you would like to coordinate ark openings for a particular service, please contact Anita Happel at The Ark Opening Coordinator for each service selects people to come up to open and close the ark at assigned times.
4. If you would like to help as greeter in the hallway, please contact Diane Shershow at
—Barry Rosenblatt, High Holy Day Coordinator
Diaspora Potluck (DPL) Sukkah Walk & Events for 5775
We would like to thank outgoing DPL committee chair, Val Goldstein, along with Mark and Dale Bodenstein, Teri Cohan Link, Susan Grinel, Miriam Prum-Hess, and Bob and Diane Roosth, for their hard work and dedication in making the DPL events fun and engaging over the last few years.
The new DPL committee, co-chaired by Dafna Taryle and Rebecca Friedman, includes Sharon Grob, Lilia Hirschhorn, Tina Kaminsky, Mara Roshal, Rachel Sisk, Janet Weissman, and Julie Weissman.  If you would like to join our committee, please talk to any of the members.
Below is a preview of events being planned for 5775.  The goal of these events is to spend time together, welcome new members, and get to know each other better.  Please feel free to invite friends.
Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014, 5:00pm – Sukkah Walk.  We continue our traditional sukkah hopping this year.  Each group of guests will “hop” to two or three sukkot for a relaxed progressive-style potluck dinner.  Since it’s on Chol Hamoed, you can even drive to the first sukkah. To participate, please RSVP by Sept. 21 to with this info:
Host or Guest?
Number of Adults
Number and Ages of Children
Sat., Dec. 13, 2014, 6:00-9:00pm - Melaveh Malkah with Ice Cream Social and Games.  This fun, family-friendly event will include Havdalah, sing-along, game night, and a separate activity room for kids.
Fri., Jan. 9, 2015 – Erev Shabbat Potluck Dinners.  On a single Friday night, small potluck dinners will be hosted in various homes.
Sat., March 14, 2015 – Large Potluck Shabbat Lunch.  Bring a dish to share as we all get together for Saturday lunch in a private home near shul.
Mon., May 25, 2015 - Shulwide Shavuot Picnic.  Join with the entire shul community for a picnic lunch at La Cienega Park, on the second day of Shavuot (which is also Memorial Day).
—Dafna Taryle & Rebecca Friedman

Open Tent to Newcomers
The Library Minyan is relaunching the Ohel Patuach (Open Tent) program in time for the High Holy Days, with sponsorship by the Membership and Social/Hospitality committees. OP complements the shul's hospitality programs, including "Host or be Hosted."
Hosts will be notified about newcomer-guests, and free to choose whether or not to contact them with a holiday or Shabbat invitation. A number of individuals and families have signed up, but there’s still room for more. You can add your name(s) to this distinguished list by pulling up message sent in early August or contacting Susan at, 323-939-4084 or Fran at, 323-933-5040.
This program depends on guests as well as hosts. Minyan veterans are urged to send names and contact info of potential guests to Vered Hopenstand and Kathy Rosenblatt, as well as Fran and Susan.  Giving newcomers a LM business card with your contact info on it is a good way to begin that process.
—Susan Laemmle
The Shofar Sounds for Elul
Shofar blowing
Library Minyan Gabbaim
Anita Happel has joined the distinguished ranks of Library Minyan gabbaim. Gabbaim recruit daveners and make services flow nicely. To volunteer or get a preview of upcoming services, check the Gabbai Schedule on the LM website. For general info, write to Jerry Krautman, Gabbaim & Coordinators committee chair, at
Continuing  gabbaim are Lida Baker, Howard Fredman, Myron Hecht, Teri Cohan Link, Allan Kokin, Jerry Krautman and Paul Miller. 
Coordinator’s Corner: a Note from the Drash Coordinator
Finding volunteers to deliverdivrei Torah in the Library Minyan for each Shabbat, and most Yom Tovim is a challenge, but not as difficult as one might think. That's because we're members of a synagogue and minyan that's populated with many learned candidates as well as thoughtful lay people who offer to share their insights and life experience with us. We also make the opportunity for occasional outside visitors to speak. As drash coordinator, I aim to enrich services by scheduling an interesting and diverse array of speakers from week to week.
My first "go-to" speakers are the rabbis, professors, rabbinic interns, AJU students, and life-long students of Torah who participate in LM and TBA services. I'm fortunate that they regularly and graciously accept my invitation (if they haven't asked me first!)  to take on the challenge of a LM drash. Additionally, there are people who reach out to me to give a d'var Torah marking a special occasion or memory in their and their families' lives — a Bar or Bat Mitzvah anniversary, the yarzheit of a loved one, a graduation, a forthcoming marriage, or a meaningful professional or community experience.  
I'm always on the lookout for new faces and voices (you might have seen me trolling for possible candidates during Kiddush!), and welcome introductions and suggestions from other minyan members as well. So if you'd like to try your hand at a LM drash, or know someone  who may, please reach out to me at I look forward to hearing from you!
—Alisa Shudofsky
Mishna study 9:20
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035
The Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am, 1039 S. La Cienega Blvd 90035