Monday, May 10, 2010
Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
Before the first mother, came the first wife.
I hope nobody has the idea that Eve was an afterthought. Like God said, "Goodness, now that I've made man, I just feel like something is not quite right. Hmm, now what did I forget ..."
God is no dummy. He made all the other creatures with mates. He didn't just forget when it came to man. God knew full well what He was doing when He made Adam alone. He was making the first piece of the human puzzle. The second piece soon followed.
Eve completed Adam. She filled in his deficiencies, and he hers. I'm not saying God made man and woman less than perfect. I'm saying that man and woman were a matched pair from the beginning. They wouldn't be complete without each other, just as the sky wouldn't be complete without birds, nor the sea without fish.
Man and woman complement each other. Whether it's men and women from different families that are good friends, or men and women who are joined together in the intimate bond of marriage. We complement each other. God meant us to live side by side.
Personally, I can't imagine who I would be without my wife. I'm not saying I'm so great, just that I'm one guy who'd be a lot less without her. I guess that's why God gave her to me. Proverbs 19, verse 14 says, "Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD" (Proverbs 19:14 NIV).
So, if you are a husband, thank your wife for all she is to you. For all she does for you. For helping make you who you are. And thank the gracious God above for giving her to you.