Community Hall News
The SIRA Committee wishes to thank Barbara Labram and Karine Valleix
for their years of service as Community Hall Booking Officer and
As Hall Booking Officer, Barbara kept track of the regular and one-off
bookings for the Hall, managed invoicing, maintained the calendar on
the Scotland Island Community website and established good
relationships with hall users.
Karine made sure the hall, kitchen and toilets always looked their
best, keeping an eye on consumable needs and reporting any problems she
Teamwork was the answer. I enjoyed working with Barbara and Karine and
now welcome Lucy Gregg, who
has valiantly taken on both jobs.
Congratulations, Lucy!
Jane Rich, Hall Manager, and the SIRA Committee
SIRA Membership and IT
Manager Appointed
Congratulations to Alec Foye Beckett, who has recently been appointed
to the above position. Alec comes with excellent skills and experience,
which will enable him to perform both the membership and IT aspects of
the role.
For SIRA membership information and inquiries, he can be contacted on
In the IT part of his role, he will be assisting SIRA to maintain and
update its many computer programmes, the Community website and Facebook
Scotland Island Recreation
Proposal to set up a
Scotland Island Recreation Club (SIRC)
SIRA is considering the formation of a Scotland Island Recreation Club
(SIRC) and would appreciate any feedback/constructive ideas on this.
Initially this could be very small scale and comprise the management of
a couple of table tennis sessions in the Community Hall. SIRA is
willing to purchase a number of tables.
Sessions could be during the day and late afternoon to accommodate all
If this proves successful we could look at expanding the activities. We
would be looking for active volunteers to help. This is an opportunity
to contribute to the health and well-being of the community, as well as
to meet new people.
Please contact Anne Dennis, Secretary, with feedback and comments.

Up Australia Day is here again –
Sunday, 3rd March, 2019
Scotland Island is
registered to participate once again!
Clean Up Australia inspires and empowers communities to clean up, fix
up and conserve our environment
This event encourages and inspires thousands of Australians to take to
their local park, beach, bushland and streets and really help make a
difference to their local environment
If you would like to help out, either by grabbing a bag and filling it,
or helping to supervise activities, please email to put your
name on the list.
Come down to your nearest Wharf to collect a bag between the hours of
9am and 12.00 noon.
Bring gloves, sunscreen, hat, sensible clothes and footwear – and don’t
forget to bring some water too!
Toby and his crew will be out on the Laurel Mae to collect material.
Here is a link to the Clean Up Australia website:
About the event - Clean Up Australia Day
Cargo Beach Notice
There are a number of watercraft on Cargo Beach which are encroaching
on the picnic area and the beach. Some are used regularly, others
have been lying there unused for some time.
The residents who use the picnic area spend time maintaining the table
and keeping the area clear so it can be enjoyed by all. This is
the only beach on the Island and it is a joy to sit back and watch the
sunset, have a BBQ and a bevvy with friends.
Clean Up Australia
will take any craft not in good shape or in use. If you would
like to have yours removed, please contact Col Bailey 0413 815 111 by Saturday,
March 2.
Col and others who use the beach will be there on Clean Up Oz day next Sunday, March 3 from
9am to 1pm to tidy the beach and the surrounding foreshore,
removing any rubbish from the environment.
Please come down and join in and help rationalise the watercraft
storage so everyone can enjoy the area. If you can’t be there,
Col is happy for you to call with your thoughts and suggestions.

Pittwater Roads II:
Where the Streets Have Your name - Scotland Island
Congratulations to Pittwater Online News on a
fantastic article about Scotland Island and the Pittwater area. With
numerour historical excepts taken from national archives, this is a
must read for anyone living in the area.
".............Of course in Pittwater we
have one emerald jewel where
the ways are more alike leafy lanes in places and the 'roads' more a
suggestion of a wending track than sealed asphalt drilled with white
lines indicating formalised way of passage - and that place is Scotland
Originally named 'Pitt Island' by Governor Phillip when he explored
Broken Bay in March 1788, the island was renamed by the first European
to be granted Scotland Island, Scotchman Andrew Thompson. The 120 acres
comprising the island were granted on January 1st 1810, as a reward for
his flood rescue work on the Hawkesbury River.
Although he clearly frequented Pittwater and Scotland Island, named for
his homeland and perhaps due to the similarity of the green hilled and
blue watered estuary to his original home, his main sphere of work was
at Green Hills, soon to be named 'Windsor'. His responsibilities were
varied and large and there seemed no field he was not involved in.
Horses as well as cattle were bred, grains were harvested and shipped
to town, and he was also in charge of labour gangs working on creating
roads and, under Captain Philip Gidley King RN, who became the third
Governor of NSW on 28 September 1800 and encouraged the building of
wharves, bridges and ...:
Read the complete article HERE
Pittwater Online News February 24 - March 2, 2019: Issue 394

Point Ferry Service
Survey - We want your Opinion
We're conducting a survey
and your input would be appreciated, so that we can improve our service
to you.
Click the LINK below to start the survey.
Thank you for your participation!
Ferry Trial TImetable
11 March - 6 May
Depending on the outcome of
the trial AND the survey, we will have a look at running later
services at the start of summer....
 click to load pdf

Pittwater Offshore Wine
Sunday March 10 from 3pm
Your hard working committee are pleased to present news of our next
tasting and to be able to provide you with the tasting notes and the
inevitable price list.
There are some exceptional wines in this collection and a couple of
great value choices. Please take a look at the list and bring a copy
with you when you attend the tasting. Hopefully attended by your
neighbours and friends.
DATE: Sunday March 10th TIME: 3pm PLACE: Alan and Ruth
Gaines lovely boatshed 'Shiraz' on the eastern side of Scotland Island.
Because this cute boatshed is a little
short on size for the usual
numbers that attend we do have the option to shift to Michael and
Karen's boatshed adjacent to Greg and Louise's home on the north side
of the island. (Just near Tennis wharf). This would only happen if it
rains steadily. We would notify you by email on the morning of the
tasting should a change be necessary. UNLIKELY.
Paul Purvis

The Co-Op
Club Presents
March 2019
Church Point Cafe -
Artists play between 3:30 - 6:30pm
The Waterfront Café’s Co-Op Club presents the finest live music North
side of the bridge from 3.30pm every Sunday. Come and immerse yourself
in some wonderful music by the waters edge with great friends, your
favourite beverage, some wonderful music and a huge range of delicious
menu specials.
1860 Pittwater Rd Church Point – bookings 99796633

Scotland Island Yoga

Pasadena Pantry & Fresh Happenings!
Our next Knife Sharpening is Friday 1st
March drop of your knives by 9am
Also dont forget our refillery all enviromentally friendly septic &
marine safe
Shampoo & Conditioner
Laundry Liquid
Dishwashing LIquid
Hand & Body wash
Just BYO bottle but we do have bottles you can purchase
See ya soon..... |

Muchos Gracias
Colin & Pepe
Pasadena Pantry & Fresh

Yacht for Sale - Liza
23 foot Southrrn Cross for sale $500 ono.
- Clean, no leaks, some sails, needs some TLC
- Recently anti fouled. Does not include a motor
- Currently moored in Lovett Bay
Call Andrew for inspection on 0417 249 405

Want Tinnie to Rent
I’m wondering if any any Island folk would like to rent out their
tinnie so as to make a few extra $$$.
Please contact Terry at

Help with Television
and Internet required
My husband and I have recently moved to the Western Foreshore and
require assistance with our TV and Internet set up.
We are happy to pick you up by boat if you need transport off shore.
Please call Jill on 0416 281 895

General Handy Person
Hard working, capable female to garden,painting and general jobs,
Cleaning up that shed?
I have my own whipper snipper.
I can be contacted on 0419602903 Kate.
I will be visiting the island and looking for work.

The Local Guide
Community Information
Scotland Island Web Site -
Scotland Island Residents Facebook Page - click to go to Page
Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 -
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade -
9997-3795 |
Photo Gallery -offshore
Scotland Island Residents
Association (SIRA) Membership details - click here for details
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA) -
Island Emergency Non-potable Water
- Agreement for Sale of Non-potable Water
- SIRA Membership Application
- Emergency Non-potable Water Guidelines
- General Information, Map & Contacts
Island & Offshore Children's Services (SIOCS)
- Long Day Care at The Island Kindy in Catherine
- Days of operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
& Thursday
- Times: 8.00am - 6.00pm
- Before & After School Care
- 8.00am until walked to school ferry - collected
from school ferry until
- Vacation Care, Casual Care and Playgroup on
- Hire the Kindy for Birthday Parties
Please call 02 9979 7856 or
Website: |
Island Community Hall Bookings: Barbara
Labram M: 0473008339 or
Pittwater Online News -
Tick Fact Sheet |
Waitlist (Tennis User Group) - Application Form |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs & Accommodation
of the Peace - Bob Mitchell (Mackerel Beach) - 0419 745 628 |
Justice of the Peace - Tony Hendel - 0419
242723 |
Justice of the Peace - Andy Derijk -
Elvina Bay 0418 613 890 |
Justice of the Peace - Lexie
Le Blang 0418399674 or
99992574 |
Justice of the Peace - Graham
Stenner - 0407216405 |
Justice of the Peace - Carolyn
Milani - 0409914699 |
Community Arts Inc. - Enquiries Lorrie Morgan 9997 8079 |
Music Club - enquiries Janice Tuynman - 99991937 - jt@swift
Point Yacht Club -
Prince Alfred Yacht Club - 02
9997 1022 |
Motor Yacht Club - 02 9997 5511 |
Island Lodge - Bed & Breakfast - 02 9979 3301 or |
Youth Hostel - (02) 9999 5748 (8-11 am and 5-8 pm)
Service - "No job too small" - Call Alan 0447 775 541 |
Wayne on Scotland Island 0418 229 277 - offshore community
sparky -
David Walsh - Graphic Design - Custom Made Sculpture - 0404 239
212 -
Dog Wash & Grooming - Call
Jenni: 0450 444 100 or Email:
Free Pump Outs for Boats - Council
with RMS installed a pump out at Careel Bay wharf |
Top water
purification system installed for offshore homes:
Call Juliette 0418349448 |
Solicitor - Rachel
Carter - Carter O'Neill Legal - 0406 239 946
Island Based
Domestic Cleaner - Kath - 0405097424 -
Building Design and
Drafting Services - Samuela Madej – Murphy ph.
Qualified Deep
Tissue & Swedish Massage - Mona 0490701213 |
Island Based Cleaner - Uses predominantly
Organic & Natural Products - Mona 0490701213 |
Island Classes (Fitness, Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0406 483 036
Art Classes- drawing and painting in oils,
acrylics and mixed media- Marion 0431 457 431 |
Yoga - Tuesday 9.00 to 10.30 Tuesday morning - Phone Katya on
0414 187 916 |
Outdoor Circuit Training Classes on
Scotland Island - Lowri Dwyer
- 0450 201 650 -
- |
Yoga Saturdays from 8.30am - 10.00am. Drop-In Easy
Hatha Yoga - Monday Evenings 7:00pm - 8:15pm
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins on 0405
330 781 |
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS - email
Park Bush Care Group, 2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @
9997 6017 |
Thinking Group - Roy Baker, 9999 6891,
Government Organisations
Airlines, Buses and Railways
Weather Scotland
Island Tides, Moon phases, Sunrise & Sunset Local
Weather Forecast Radar weather
for Sydney (128k circle)

Emergency Contact Numbers
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Police Assistance Line
& Information |
13 1444 or 9281 0000 |
Broken Bay Water Police |
9910 7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Rescue Broken Bay - Weekend |
9999 3554 - (02) 8411 1121 |
Rescue Broken Bay - VHF Radio channel |
Radio Channel: VHF 16
27MHz Radio Channel: 86 or 88 |
Scotland Island Rural Fire
Service |
9999 4404 |
Bay Rural Fire Service |
3795 |
Bay Rural Fire Service |
1612 |
Beach Rural Fire Service |
1162 |
Fire Service Headquarters Terrey Hills |
3000 |
NSW Fire Service General
Information 9265 2999 |
9265 2999 |
Rural Fire Service General
information |
9450 3000 |
State Emergency Service,
Warringah/Pittwater SES |
13 25 00 9486 3399 |
National Parks & Wildlife
Service: 000, general information |
9457 9322 |
Dept of Community Services:
general information |
9977 6011 |
Sydney Water |
132 090 |
Energy Australia |
131 388, (ah) 131 909 |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at or
by clicking
here or by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at

To Contribute
If you
would like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor ( or by clicking
here. Type your contribution (100 words or so
would be fine) and assuming it is of general interest to the community,
does not include matter of a political nature and is not offensive,
it will appear next month.
Subscription Information
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. To change your address, click the
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The Editor
and the publisher disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or
property resulting from any ideas, articles or products referred to in
this publication. Further, the views
expressed in this newsletter
are not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island Residents
Association (SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community Association