Summer Course on Fear and Anxiety 2012
Date: 8 - 13 July 2012
Villa Finaly, Florence (Italy)
Applications deadline:          
15 April (early applications)
15 May (final deadline)
This course has been accredited by the European Accreditation Committee in CNS (EACIC) for 35.5 CME credits.
About the course
The course offers an in-depth study of the phenomena fear and anxiety and their biological and psychological underpinnings, and is aimed at young scientists and clinicians with a background in psychology, medicine, neuroscience, behavioural sciences, or a related discipline, who want to enhance their expertise in affective disorders.

The Programme
Every day deals with a different aspect of fear and anxiety-related problems, starting with an introductory lecture that gives a brief outline of the topic and the latest developments in that area. In the daily problem-based learning (PBL) sessions the students split up into small groups to further explore the topic by doing a group assignment. The results of these assignments will be presented at the plenary meeting on Friday.
Special Lectures
In the afternoons there is a series of Special Lectures that aim to present the latest available evidence, to put known evidence in a broader context, or to offer an interdisciplinary perspective. This year's Special Lectures are:
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International Master in Affective Neuroscience