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- March
2009 - |
Notices for Offshore Residents
of Pittwater, Australia
March 2009
West Pittwater
Community Association AGM

Clean UP
Australia Day Thank You
thanks to all those who turned out to give a
hand last
Sunday in the Clean Up Australia campaign.
The Island is in
better shape now, with numerous dead boats removed from the foreshores,
at least three loads collected by the Community Vehicle from the road
reserves and volunteers cleaning up each Wharf area.
A special
thanks goes to Broken Bay Lighterage who volunteered their time and
fuel to pick up from each Wharf and take it to the mainland for
collection and to Pittwater Council who subsequently removed it to
Kimbriki Tip.

Council Notices
Pittwater Council Mayor Cr David James will officially launch Seniors
Week at the Coastal Environment Centre (CEC), Lake Park Road, North
Narrabeen on Sunday 15 March from 4pm to 6 pm.
Cr David James said that Seniors Week was a wonderful way to recognise
older people and celebrate the valuable contribution they make to the
“We have an events program packed full with open days, information
sessions and free activities throughout the week here in Pittwater,“
said Cr James.
“At the launch, seniors and their families are invited to explore the
CEC and learn about its many eco-programs and activities.
“You will get the chance to learn about the unique environment of the
Narrabeen Lagoon and its surroundings, with a short eco-walk along the
rock platform, including light refreshments,” he added.
Other activities held during Seniors Week include a ‘Learn to Sail’
day, a day trip to Mount Tomah and a Mind Your Mind Expo.
The theme of this year’s event is ‘Live Life’ and the Council’s
Community Development Officer Angela Boyle said that the range of
events on offer during Seniors Week will give participants the chance
to do exactly that.
The Pittwater Seniors Week program is available from Council’s customer
service centres and libraries or visit www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au For
details of events across NSW visit www.nswseniorsweek.com.au
RSVPs for the Seniors Week Launch can be made at
CEC@pittwater.nsw.gov.au or call 9970 1675.
Media contact: Angela Boyle, Pittwater
Council, Ph: 9970 1199
Pittwater Council announced today the creation of a new volunteer
recognition program called the Pittwater Volunteer Awards.
The awards celebrate outstanding voluntary service and are open to
residents and non-residents who can demonstrate a record of such
service to the Pittwater community.
The categories of the new Pittwater Volunteer Awards include
Environmental, Bushcare, Youth, Community Service & Support,
Surf Lifesaving (Junior & Senior), Sporting Groups, Rural Fire
Service and Emergency Services.
Pittwater Council’s General Manger, Mark Ferguson said the new awards
would be an opportunity to recognise the broad contributions of
Pittwater’s volunteers.
“Within Pittwater alone, over 20% of residents volunteer their time in
unpaid service in a number of different fields which, according to the
Australian Bureau of Statistics is 6% higher than the greater Sydney
area,” he said.
“Some of these volunteers literally put their lives on the line as
bushfire fighters and surf lifesavers while others go about their
duties quietly turning up day in and day out year after year,” Mr
Ferguson said.
Entries for the inaugural Pittwater Volunteer Awards are open to
volunteers who either live in Pittwater or who can demonstrate a
significant contribution to Pittwater and its community.
The awards will be presented at a civic reception during National
Volunteers Week.
Nominations open on Monday 9 March 2009 and can be submitted online at
the Council’s website www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au
Nomination forms are also available from Council’s customer service
centres and libraries at Mona Vale and Avalon, as well as at Avalon
Recreation Centre and the Nelson Heather Centre at Warriewood.
Entries close at 5pm on Thursday 9 April and should be returned to Paul
Hogan, Community, Library & Economic Development Services, PO
Box 882, Mona Vale NSW 1660 or emailed to
For enquiries contact Paul Hogan on 9970 1170 or at
Media contact: Paul Hogan Ph:
9970 1170

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