Friday, November 24, 2017

John 19:30 So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.


Black Friday, for many people in America, is the day after Thanksgiving when crowds of turkey-stuffed shoppers look to take advantage of the season's biggest holiday bargains. Why is it "Black Friday"? Well, there are those who claim that the sales on this one day of the year helps retail companies to finally "get into the black," that is to make a profit. As I understand it, the title "Black Friday" has been applied to other events in history, like the crash of the U. S. gold market on September 24, 1869.

Black Friday seems to be all about money-- either saving it, making it or losing it. We should be good stewards of the gifts that God gives us, but those gifts should never become more important than the One who gives those gifts or than the Greatest of His gifts, redemption through His Son.

On Good Friday the most priceless of gifts was given, not on Black Friday. "It is finished" were the words Jesus spoke to mark the culmination and completion of God's plan to save sinners. God sent His Son into the human race at Bethlehem to be our substitute, to live a sinless life in our place. God the Son was perfectly and actively obedient, keeping every commandment of God. He was declared to be the one in whom the Father was well pleased. Jesus was also passively obedient, perfectly subservient, submitting to suffering, shame, and death to make atonement for our sins.

Good Friday is all about atonement and the matchless price paid by our God. While Black Friday occurs every year, there is but one Good Friday. We celebrate it every year, but its offering and payment need never be made again. It is finished, our debt of sin is paid, our place in the Father's house is reserved.

The savings of Black Friday are truly empty and paltry when compared to the Saving that was accomplished on Good Friday.