Dear Native Plant Conservation Campaign Leaders:
We would like to schedule a native plant conservation conference call for NPCC Affiliates in late November or early December 2016.
The call will discuss:
- progress and challenges that occurred this year among the Affiliates
- important plant areas
- what is going on in plant conservation at the national level - e.g. National Seed Strategy, Native Plant Conservation Bill, Pollinators, etc.
- fundraising for the NPCC
- What kinds of resources NPCC should provide for Affiliates: e.g. templates for listing petitions, comments on land management plans, potential webinar topics and speakers (e.g. endangered species act experts, native plant gardeners, etc.)
- National conference
- Priorities for 2017.
- you would like to participate in such a call
- these are useful topics, and
- there are other topics we should be talking about.
I look forward to speaking with you!