Dear Native Plant Conservation Campaign Leaders: 
We would like to schedule a native plant conservation conference call for NPCC Affiliates in late November or early December 2016.
The call will discuss:
  1. progress and challenges that occurred this year among the Affiliates
  2. important plant areas
  3. what is going on in plant conservation at the national level  - e.g. National Seed Strategy, Native Plant Conservation Bill, Pollinators, etc.
  4. fundraising for the NPCC
  5. What kinds of resources NPCC should provide for Affiliates: e.g. templates for listing petitions, comments on land management plans, potential webinar topics and speakers (e.g. endangered species act experts, native plant gardeners, etc.)
  6. National conference
  7. Priorities for 2017.
Please let me know by replying to this e mail if:
I look forward to speaking with you!