In This Issue:




Congratulations to members who have passed their Advanced Test recently:
Advanced Tutor (Car):
  Andrew Pegg


  Larry Humphries (M)


A warm welcome to new group member:

  Tom Walker (C)

Articles needed

If you have interesting snippets or would like to write a short article for this newsletter then please let us know. 

All contributions welcome.

Wanted: Group Ride Leaders 

Group rides are back and we need volunteer Ride Leaders - No experience required, full training given.


Call Stephen Wilkinson-Carr on 07976 644485 for more details.



April 2022
Chair's Introduction
Spring is such a busy time for most of us and it's no different in Glos RoADAR. Your Committee has spent much of the winter preparing for a season of recruiting, training and group events.
We'vehad some real successes in training new Advanced and Approved Tutors (with more to come) and are indebted to Bob Fram (Chair) and his team from Wilts RoADAR: Dave Venman; Les Brown and Nick Carrington, who have provided much-needed expertise and assistance in the training and certification of our Tutors. Thank you all. 

Two notable successes are Andrew Pegg's Advanced Tutor (Car) qualification and Larry Humphries' motorcycle gold after just 10 months on two wheels! Full details below. 

Now we have a solid base of Tutors we can set about recruiting once more. Sadly, this has to be outdoor activities only now that COVID-19 cases are at their highest ever level in England. Thank you all for your patience. We aim to get back to a full programme of member events and Technical Talks as soon as we can.

It hasn't held us completely though and, thanks to organiser Anthony Howlett, we've booked a day out drone flying and may repeat it if demand is high. Full details below. 
We are currently seeking speakers for Zoom talks - watch this space...

Stay safe all.


New Car Advanced Tutor - Andrew Pegg

It is with the greatest pleasure that I can announce that Andrew Pegg, Approved Car Tutor, passed the Car Advanced Tutor test on Friday 1 Apr 2022 (after midday) with examiner Paul Crabtree.

This would not have been possible without the superb input and support from Dave Venman and Nick Carrington of Wilts RoADAR who ably guided Andrew's training.

The Gloucestershire group is once again able to train and certify our own Car Approved Tutors and train Car Advanced Tutors. An excellent outcome.

The Advanced Tutor test comprises a Gold drive, a Tutoring assessment and a rigorous and not-at-all-easy theory test (with an 84% pass mark).

Many congratulations Andrew. Very well done.


Andrew's thoughts on his journey:

"Achieving the RoSPA ‘Gold’ standard is about practice and polish rather than achieving the non-existent ‘perfect’ drive. So it was no surprise that my preparation for the Advanced Tutor Trainer Test was more of the same under the expert guidance of Nick Carrington and Dave Venman of Wiltshire RoADAR on a variety of roads and conditions from the back lanes of Gloucestershire in early January to the ‘Magic Roundabout’ of Swindon with local mums focused solely on completing the school pick up as quickly as possible.  

The subtle difference in approach was in seeking to enhance putting over what most Tutors will already know and do well, whether it be in suggesting subtle use of the controls, identifying situations which demonstrate the skill or knowledge being covered or on giving commentary.  

Whilst perfection is the elusive ideal, every journey is different and each presents opportunities to practise, improve and show other drivers what can be achieved with a healthy dose of enthusiasm and fun. 

Ultimately we all learn something from each other. This was reinforced when the ‘long in the tooth’ examiner said he also learned something on the test!" 


Non-rider to Gold in 10 months!
One of our newest members, Larry Humphries, passed his Motorcycle  Advanced Test at Gold grade on 25 March 2022 on his first attempt.

Many congratulations, very well done.

What makes this even more interesting is that just 10 months ago Larry had never ridden a motorcycle!

This is his journey to that Gold grade…

Larry had always wanted to ride a motorcycle, from an early age, but knew he was too hot-headed and resisted temptation. Now he’s older and wiser, 35, he decided the time was right and attended the Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) on 4 June 2021. 

That CBT day was his first ever time on a motorbike and, sadly, his experience was not quite what he’d hoped for. At the end of the day he had only ridden a Twist-and-Go motorcycle (known as ‘Grip-N-Rip’ by younger riders).

Undeterred, Larry bought himself a Yamaha YBR125, as a starter bike (with gears), to practise on and had a couple of lessons with another instructor. That gave him the confidence that he could ride and make his bucket-list dream a reality. He then set about teaching himself and put in some much-needed practice.

After a couple of months, in September 2021, Larry passed the Module 1 off-road motorcycle manoeuvring training and test (known as the Mod 1) and decided to upgrade his bike to a Honda CB650R, a ‘naked’ sports bike, which he collected on 22 October 2021.

I can almost hear what you’re thinking: “This all sounds a little optimistic.” but it’s worth knowing that Larry is a fully trained Paramedic, with ‘Blues and Twos’ ambulance driver qualifications, who has been driving using the Roadcraft system of car control for about 10 years. He considered that experience would be invaluable while learning to ride his motorbike and that’s how things turned out.

Just two days after collecting his new Honda he attended the Gloucestershire Police BikeSafe event on 24 October. After a morning’s theory and discussion he was allocated to Glos RoADAR’s Chief Motorcycle Instructor, Tony Dix, for an observed ride of about 70 miles around the Cotswolds. It was a cold day, there was slush and snow on the side of road and Larry was freezing. Still, the ride went well and filled him with huge amounts of confidence having learnt that he could ride safely and well in cold, wet weather.

He was hooked and, despite having only ridden around 1,000 miles, he passed his Module 2 on-road training and test (known as the Mod 2) in November 2021. 

Larry always knew about and was interested in advanced training, especially after his BikeSafe experience, considering it a natural progression, so he began researching options. Having found the newly-refurbished Glos RoADAR website, its overall message helped convince him to join and he did so on 5 December 2021.

His advanced rider training began on 12 December 2021 with Approved Tutor Mike Ibbitson. During that training he gained an immense lift in his confidence level and learnt how to trust the bike, lean it, make progress and filter etc. After nine lessons Mike was: “Constantly worried about his lack of experience but kept seeing him riding with real skill so decided to put him in for his pre-test check ride.”

That pre-test check ride was with Advanced Tutor Stephen Wilkinson-Carr and Larry found it a nerve-wracking experience. He’d thought his theory knowledge was tip-top but ended the check ride with a 'note-to-self' that he needed to dive into the books even more.

Stephen’s report said: “This was a high-standard ride from Larry who has less than a year’s experience on two wheels, and who is easily capable of achieving a good pass at the Advanced Test.”

After just two more training sessions with his Tutor to consolidate tips from his check ride, Larry took his advanced test on 25 March 2022, with Examiner Simon ‘Rossy’ Ross, and achieved a Gold grade. An excellent result.

Overall impression of his journey?

“How enjoyable it’s been – even though a lot of hard work. I’ve enjoyed learning a new skill. I feel so much safer and confident on the bike and can now enjoy it even more.

Who knows where it might lead: training, tours, running a business, as a fun hobby… Who knows?

If you want to do it, do it.”

Tutor Training

Tony Dix planned, prepared and delivered a highly-regarded and much-enjoyed Approved Tutor Initial / Refresher training, for Car and Motorcycle Tutors, over two days in February and March. Ably assisted by Examiner Rossy Ross and a small team of RoSPA Diploma holders / Advanced Tutors from both Glos and Wilts RoADAR, Tony covered the important aspects of theory (Roadcraft / Motocycle Roadcraft, Highway Code, Know Your Traffic signs), individual differences, POWDDERRSS checks, individual coa ching skills and a final on-the-road practical day.

We have three new motorcycle Approved Tutors:

   Lee Dann        Duncan Keen   Jan Ozimowski

Welcome aboard gentlemen! All we need now are some motorcycle associates...

Three more new Approved motorcycle Tutors and other new car Approved Tutors are still completing their training.

We need more Car Tutors!

If you would like to train as an Approved Tutor, especially if you're a Car Advanced Driver with a Gold or Silver pass, then please contact Tony Dix at 


Now that we have a group of refreshed and new Approved Tutors, ready to be put to work, it's worth giving you an update about what we're doing to recruit new members.
We have newly printed business cards and flyers that are being distributed to Tutors. If you'd like a few of either then please let Rebekah know at
There are a few initiatives, mostly motorcycle at this stage, either underway or planned for the near future:

 - SkillShare - Try it before you buy it for motorcyclists
 - BikeSafe - Police road safety initiative for motorcyclists
 - CourierSafe - Police road safety initiative for courier
   motorcyclists (mostly on L plates)
 - Low speed motorcycle skills event (more below)
 - Prescott Bike Festival (we will have a display stand)
Prescott has, in the past, generated up to 5-10 new car members and up to 15-20 new motorcycle members and is the primary marketing / recruiting event in our catchment area. More about that below.

If you know someone who is tempted to train as an advanced driver or rider then please introduce them to us and put them in touch with any Committee member (listed at the end of this newsletter).

The more the merrier.
Day Out Drone Flying Sunday 15 May 2022 (all photos clickable)

Anthony Howlett has kindly arranged our first group event in a long while, thanks to Covid, which will be a day out to experience what it's like to fly a drone. The video above will whet your appetite.

Drones come in many shapes and sizes such as the DJI Mavic 3 on the right. Journalists and broadcasters have taken to the technology with alacrity and are using drones to enhance many outdoor broadcasts.

Some people are using drones to advertise their premises and services. Below is a classic example of a 1:28 minute, one-shot drone tour of abowling alley in the USA, the Bryant-Lake Bowl, which went viral went first released. Fabulous film although I wonder how many takes it took?

Many are being tested as delivery vehicles and last December the Royal Mail decided to conduct their own test in the Isles of Scilly. L

Apart from military applications, there are now huge drone swarm displays that often rival the best firework displays. The world record for the number of drones in a single swarm is currently 5,200! See them in action below.

For our day out we'll be visiting the Phoenix UAV Centre in Norton St Philip, south of Bath and 55 miles from Gloucester, for an outdoor only event hosted and presented by Peter Milner, founder and owner of the most established drone training provider in Europe (operating since 2010 - click on the picture below for a taster). 

Here's a video tour of the Phoenix UAV Centre.

There are some stringent rules and regulations that govern the use of drones in the UK. Here's a link to Civil Aviation Authority's guidance.

The programme:

The day will be spent entirely outdoors:

  • 10:00 am for 10:30 am Start - First 30 mins, Meet and Greet (Tea/Coffee available)
  • 10:30-11:30 Presentation on Drone technology – including swarm technology, rescue and military (Thoughts of Ukraine conflict)
  • 11:30-12:30 Flying demos and hands on
  • 12:30-1:15 Lunch
  • 1:15 - 5:00pm Hands on Flying under guidance of 2 instructors

  • Option for those interested, to stay on for night flying (need to check sunset time)

The cost will be up to £7 each for lunch and hot drinks (payable to the Phoenix UAV Centre).

There are 20 places available and Glos RoADAR members will be given priority.

Please note that if the weather prevents flying then the reserve date is Sunday 22 May 2022. Fingers are crossed the weather holds.

If you would like to join us then please e-mail Stephen Wilkinson-Carr at  
Prescott Bike Festival

Glos RoADAR will have an exhibitor's stand at the Bike Festival that should bring in some new members, both car and motorcycle.

Gates open 8:30 a.m., track action from 9:30 a.m., closes 5 p.m.

In the past the Prescott Bike Festival, which attracts about 5,000 visitors, has generated 5-10 new car members and 15-20 new motorcycle members. It is the primary marketing and recruiting event in our catchment area.

Please help to spread the word and encourage people to join.

Five volunteers, especially car members, are needed to help run the Glos RoADAR stand during the day.

The timings for volunteers' shifts will be one of:

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Should give you plenty of time to take all the delights this event offers.


If you could spare just 2½ hours that day to share what we do with interested visitors  then please e-mail Stephen Wilkinson-Carr at
Did You Know?

Have you ever driven into a petrol station and forgotten where your filler cap is?
Since the early 1990s, many fuel gauges have included an icon with a fuel pump and an arrow, indicating the side of the vehicle on which the fuel filler cap is located. The use of the icon and arrow was invented in 1986 by Jim Moylan, a designer with Ford Motor Company.
Who knew?
(Click on picture for more detail)
Low Speed Motorcycle Event 21 May 2022

We will be holding a FREE and open-to-all Low-Speed training day on Sat 21st May 2022 to be held at the  Lower Car Park, Berkeley Power Station, Berkeley, GL13 9FB / N51 41.406 W2 29.727 / 

You do not have to be an advanced rider or even a member of an advanced riding group to attend. All are welcome.
The day will run from 1330 to 1700 and will include a range of low-speed riding skills and exercises designed to improve rider confidence and skill. The low-speed circuit favourites such as the snowman, figure of 8 and intersection will feature alongside braking drills and a slow race to make for an enjoyable learning experience.



It does not matter if this is all new to you as we will be running a session to revise the basics and if you have been before there will an advanced low speed circuit to test your skills – there really is something for everyone!
           Example of an advanced circuit
Please reply directly to Tony Dix ( to register an interest and further details will be sent out nearer the time.
Recommended Books (Clickable)

The Committee

Chair - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton

Treasurer - Geoff Brown

Membership Secretary - Mike Ibbitson

Acting Car Coordinator - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Motorcycle Coordinator - Paul Smith

WebMaster - Phil Wesley

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Membership Secretary: Mike Ibbitson
Secretary: Rebekah Yarranton