Cantaloop 20th Anniversary &
Thalassa Familiar r Fashion Show
@ LE G.A. Roppongi, 6/21/2013
1993年にロンドンに拠点を置くUs3のリーダー、ジェフ・ウィルキンソンがハービー・ハンコックの名曲をサンプリングしてCantaloop (Flip Fantasia)をリリースしたのは彼の先見性と幸運の産物であった。
彼が伝説のギタリスト、グラント・グリーンの“Sookie Sookie”を無許可でサンプリングした曲が当時ブームになりつつあったジャズ・ダンス・シーンで大ヒットになるとブルー・ノート・レコーズから呼び出しを受ける。訴訟を覚悟していた彼が結果的に得たものはレーベルのアーカイブへの完全なアクセス権であった。その中から生まれたのがCantaloop (Flip Fantasia)であり、同曲を含んだアルバム“Hand on the Torch”はブルー・ノート・レコーズ史上初のプラチナ・レコードとなり、全世界で250万枚以上のセールスとなる。世界的な成功は業界で驚きを持って迎えられたがジェフの信念を証明している。
It was a product of luck and vision of Geoff Wilkinson, the leader of Us3 based in London, that he released Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia) in 1993 by sampling Herbie Hancock’s famous number.  
He might have been sued when the tune he made by sampling the legendary guitarist Grand Green’s Sookie Sookie” became a big hit on the jazz dance scene. But Blue Note Records decided to give him the complete access to its back catalogue. Thus Cantaloop was born.
“Hand on the Torch”, an album that includes Cantaloop, achieved the first platinum status for Blue Note and sold over 2.5 million copies in the world.
The worldwide success of Us3 took everyone by surprise, and proved a point to Geoff. “By sampling classic jazz tracks, mixing them with beats and raps, and having younger jazz cats playing on top I was acknowledging the past, staying rooted in the present, and looking forward to the future, all at the same time.”
Cantaloop has influenced so many musicians over 20 years and still sounds fresh.
It has been a year since their last appearance at The Peninsula Tokyo and we can be sure of new surprise that Us3 DJ unit brings to Tokyo this time.
You can also enjoy a fashion show by Thalassa Familiar r, an accessory brand that is rapidly growing in popularity among celebrities and trendsetters. The show's hats are provided by CA4LA that keeps producing the original Japanese hat culture.
Us3 DJ Unit (Geoff Wilkinson & DJ First Rate)

Toshio Matsuura

Shuya Okino (Kyoto Jazz Massive)

Morley Robertson

shiba (FreedomSunset) 

Ketz & Tsuto

Anna & Masayo

Thalassa Familia r
Garrett Popcorn Shops
Us3 DJ Unit  Geoff Wilkinson & DJ First Rate

Us3はロンドンを拠点とするジェフ・ウィルキンソンによって創設されハービー・ハンコックの名曲 “Cantaloupe Island” のサンプルをフィーチャーした “Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia)が世界的センセーションを巻き起こす。
2009年にリリースされた “Stop, Think and Run “ は米国のヒップ・ホップのウェブサイトRapreviews.comでNo. 7にランキングされ、17カ国で39回のライブを大成功に導いた。
2013年の来日公演はジェフに加え、神業的なスクラッチプレイをするDJ First Rateとのユニットによるライブとなる。彼は1996年に伝説的な4人組 “the Scratch Perverts” のメンバーとして世界で最も権威のあるDJ コンペティション、DMC DJ World Chapmpionshipの初のチームチャンピオンに輝いた。

Us3 was founded by London-based Geoff Wilkinson. Their album that included "Cantaloop" , sampling “Cantaloup Island" by Harbie Hancock, became a world phoenomen. Geoff's style of incorporating all genres music from Jazz, Bass & Drums, Latin and Hip Hop never stops evolving and always surprises people with its creativity.

Us3 DJ Unit consists of Geoff and DJ First Rate who was a member of Scratch Perverts, the legendary 4-men crew that won the first team champion at DMC World Champiionship. His acrobatic play using every part of his body shall not to be missed. 
An international accessory brand launched from Japan in 2011 with the concept of oriental exoticism. It has introduced natural stone accessories with rainbow colors and resort wear from this season. 
It is catered to urban women with sophisticated lifestyle and could be worn at business, night parties, summer parties and holiday resorts. The goal is to become "the only one" brand for women in the world.
Its atelier/shop was opened in Omotesando (Jingumae) in the spring of 2013.
“すべての人に最高の帽子を” 1997年の創業以来CA4LAが目指していることは世界中の素晴らしい帽子を多くの人に紹介し、日本の優れた技術から生まれた帽子を届けることである。帽子をひとつの文化と考え日本独自の帽子文化を世界に発信続けている。
"To offer the best hat to everybody" The mission of CA4LA since its foundation in 1997 has been to introduce wonderful hats in the world and offer hats born from superb skills in Japan. CA4LA regards hat not merely as a fashion item but part of culture and keeps producing the original Japanese hat culture..
Matsuura Toshio 松浦俊夫 
1990年にUnited Future Organization (U.F.O.)を結成。
Inter FM"Tokyo Moon"毎週日曜夜7時よりオンエア中。
He formed United Future Organization (U.F.O.) in 1990 with two other members which marked the foundation of Japanese club culture.
In 12 years they released 5 albums in 32 countries, creating high sensation of their jazz/crossover tunes. After leaving U.F.O.  in 2002 he kept playing solo and has done remixes of James Brown, Earth Wind & Fire to Astor Piazzolla and Gotan Project and created a compilation series to major fashion brands. He hosts "Tokyo Moon" on Inter FM from 7 p.m. every Sunday.

"Cantaloop"がリリースされた当時、U.F.O. がイエローで開催していたパーティーJazzin'でこの曲のイントロがかかった時の満員のフロアからの歓声が忘れられない。幅広い年齢層が訪れていただけにその認知度の高さに驚かされた瞬間だった。
“ I cannot forget the great cheer from the full crowd on the dance floor when they heard the introduction of Cantaloop during U.F.O.’s Jazzin’ party at Yellow. I was surprised by its popularity because we had a wide range of ages among the audience”.
Shuya Okino 沖野修也 (KYOTO JAZZ MASSIVE)
DJ/クリエイティヴ・ディレクター/執筆家/世界唯一の選曲評論家/The Room(渋谷)プロデューサー。KYOTO JAZZ MASSIVE名義でリリースした「ECLIPSE」は、英国国営放送BBCラジオZUBBチャートで3週連続No.1の座を日本人として初めて獲得。これまでDJ/アーティストとして世界35ヶ国130都市に招聘された国際派。ここ数年は、音楽で空間の価値を変える"サウンド・ブランディング"の第一人者として、映画館、ホテル、銀行、空港、レストランの音楽設計を手掛けている。20117月『DESTINY』をリリース。iTunesダンス・チャート1位、総合チャート3位を獲得。現在、ホームグラウンドのThe Roomでは月例パーティー"SOUND SANCTUARY"のレジデントDJを務めている。現在、InterFMJAZZ ain't Jazz(毎週水曜20時~22時放送)にてナビゲーターを担当中。

DJ/Creative Director/Write/Music Critic/Producer of The Room (Shibuya)
「ECLIPSE」released under the name of KYOTO JAZZ MASSIVE earned No. 1 on BBC radio's ZUBB chart for 3 consecutive weeks.
He has been invited to play at 130 cities in 35 countries. As a pioneer of "sound branding" he has been producing music for film theaters, hotels, banks, airports and restaurants.
He is a resident DJ of a monthly party "SOUND SANCTUARY" at The Room and a navigator of Inter FM『JAZZ ain't Jazz』on every Wednesday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. 

He is also active as a "music architect" for film theaters, hotels, banks and airports.

“ What would Us3 propose now who connected Jazz and club scene by Cantaloop? I am personally looking forward to it.”

Morley Robertson is a journalist, writer and musician.  Passed entrance exams to the prestigious Tokyo University, but later transferred to Harvard University, where he studied electronic music and film animation.  Has gained a dedicated following in Japan.  Active in the fields of music and journalism, often appearing on television.  Currently directing his superpowers in the direction of Dubstep and EDM.  Recently gained a moment of fame on Beatport with a Dubstep mix that went to No. 9 on the global chart.

“ I am very excited about this opportunity to meet you all. My play style is
rather eccentric but I will take balance in keeping the coolness. It would be wonderful if we could all contribute to make the party exciting. Looking forward to meeting you!”
shiba (FreedomSunset)

湘南を代表する伝説的なパーティーFreedomSunsetのオーガナイザー。 CALMのユニットORGANLANGUAGEにトランぺッターとして参加。DJ KENSEIMixmasterMorris、井上薫他DJとのコラボレーションの他、吉澤はじめ(p)、植松孝夫 (T.sax)等ジャズミュージシャンとも共演。トラックメーカーとしてもUKのレーベルからのソロシングル、UFOCALM等とも国内外のコンピレーションに多数収録される。 060809年「FreedomSunset」コンピレーションCDをプロデュース。FrredomSunsetのレジテンツDJを勤める他、01SOLSTICEの野外レイブ、03年には【HI-TECK-SOULageha】(DERRICK MAY, MAYURI)にも出演。
Shiba is the organizer of FreedomSunset, a legendary party in Shonan. He participate as a trumpeter in CALM and collaborated with DJ Mixmaster Morris, Kaoru Inoue and some top Jazz musicians. He has produced compilation albums in 2006, 2008 and 2009 and played with Derrick May at Ageha in 2003
"Mt. Fuji Jazz Festival'94へのUS3の登場はJAZZ meets HIP HOPの歴史的な瞬間だった。あれから20年、ここで再会できる事は、新たなJAZZ meets HIP HOPの歴史を感じる一夜になる事だろう。"
"It was a historical moment of JAZZ meets HIP HOP when Us3 appeared at Mt. Fuji Jazz Festival '94. The night we meet again after 20 years will mark a new history of JAZZ meets HIP HOP."
"Cantaloop is the song of my youth. I was one of those who fell in love with it. It is the must song for every one and it refuses to fade even after 20 years from the release. I am so honored to participate in the event!"

Pole Dancers

                                     Anna                                              Masayo 

6月21日(金) 23:00 - 04:00
FRIDAY, JUNE 21st 23:00 - 04:00

入場料:4,000円 (1D)
前売券:3,000円 (1D)
前売ペア券: 5,000円 (2D)
* 前売券はドリンクチケットとサラサファミリアの5,000円クーポン付きです
* 前売券購入先着10名様にはギャレットポップコーンを一缶プレゼントします

Entrance : 4,000 yen (1D)
Advanced Ticket: 3,000 yen (1D)
Advanced Pair Ticket: 5,000 yen (2D)
* An adcanced ticket comes with a 5,000 yen coupon from Thlassa Familiar r
* The first 10 buyers of advancted tickets receive a tin of Garrett Popcorns

Please write to for VIP table reservation.
 A tin of Chicago Mix from Garrett Popcorn Shops is served free at a VIP table.


東京都港区六本木7-8-6 AXALL Roppongi B1F
AXALL Roppongi B1F, 7-8-6 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo