1993年にロンドンに拠点を置くUs3のリーダー、ジェフ・ウィルキンソンがハービー・ハンコックの名曲をサンプリングしてCantaloop (Flip Fantasia)をリリースしたのは彼の先見性と幸運の産物であった。
彼が伝説のギタリスト、グラント・グリーンの“Sookie Sookie”を無許可でサンプリングした曲が当時ブームになりつつあったジャズ・ダンス・シーンで大ヒットになるとブルー・ノート・レコーズから呼び出しを受ける。訴訟を覚悟していた彼が結果的に得たものはレーベルのアーカイブへの完全なアクセス権であった。その中から生まれたのがCantaloop (Flip Fantasia)であり、同曲を含んだアルバム“Hand on the Torch”はブルー・ノート・レコーズ史上初のプラチナ・レコードとなり、全世界で250万枚以上のセールスとなる。世界的な成功は業界で驚きを持って迎えられたがジェフの信念を証明している。
It was a product of luck and vision of Geoff Wilkinson, the leader of Us3 based in London, that he released Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia) in 1993 by sampling Herbie Hancock’s famous number.
He might have been sued when the tune he made by sampling the legendary guitarist Grand Green’s Sookie Sookie” became a big hit on the jazz dance scene. But Blue Note Records decided to give him the complete access to its back catalogue. Thus Cantaloop was born.
“Hand on the Torch”, an album that includes Cantaloop, achieved the first platinum status for Blue Note and sold over 2.5 million copies in the world.
The worldwide success of Us3 took everyone by surprise, and proved a point to Geoff. “By sampling classic jazz tracks, mixing them with beats and raps, and having younger jazz cats playing on top I was acknowledging the past, staying rooted in the present, and looking forward to the future, all at the same time.”
Cantaloop has influenced so many musicians over 20 years and still sounds fresh.
It has been a year since their last appearance at The Peninsula Tokyo and we can be sure of new surprise that Us3 DJ unit brings to Tokyo this time.
You can also enjoy a fashion show by Thalassa Familiar r, an accessory brand that is rapidly growing in popularity among celebrities and trendsetters. The show's hats are provided by CA4LA that keeps producing the original Japanese hat culture.
Us3 DJ Unit (Geoff Wilkinson & DJ First Rate)
Toshio Matsuura
Shuya Okino (Kyoto Jazz Massive)
Morley Robertson
shiba (FreedomSunset)
Ketz & Tsuto
Anna & Masayo
Thalassa Familia r