David Rockefeller... First Called Eugenics----> "Social Engineering------> Now "Transhumanism"
Whatever Its Called, Its Not Good, It MUST Be Stopped, and We CAN STOP IT Via Detoxification!
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Here’s a little history lesson that dove-tails into this chemtrailing nightmare. Back in the early 1900’s, Rockefeller, the Standard Oil tycoon, hired scientists to work on his eugenics project – a project to create a master race.
During the 1930’s he exported his ideas and experiments to Europe and the Eastern Bloc countries. In 1945 Germany was found to be using eugenics and all the inhuman experimentation in their search/creation for a master race.
When this was announced to the world, Rockefeller ordered his scientists to stop using the term eugenics and replaced it with the term ‘Social Engineering’. But unbeknownst to the world, his scientists, in 1949, came up with another replacement term to be used by science so they could continue experiments to find the master race – Transhumanism’.
This term today is proudly used by the scientific community and touted as new and wonderful. It is NOT new. It is NOT wonderful.
The ultimate purpose of chemtrailing is to terraform the earth to suit their plan to bio-form humans into transhumans – the perfect master race. They want us to be programmable, obedient, non-impulsive and most importantly non-reproducing. When implemented, only they will be able to create life. This would be the ultimate insult to our Creator. They will be the Masters of their master race – and you will be their slave.....UNLESS.... you take steps to fight back! We are not powerless to stop this agenda! Please study this information carefully, and see the simple instructions on how to protect yourself and your family below!
The weaponized parasites (such as callembola shown in this brief youtube) that we are inhaling from the chemtrails were designed in a bioweapons lab using nanotechnology to target specific internal organs in order to weaken and kill us. They were designed to hijack our DNA and to replace our natural God given biology with a synthetic biology that they can control.

Sophia Smallstorm exposed this in this presentation From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology.  
She starts discussing Morgellons at the 22 minute mark.
German Biologist Harald Kautz Vella also discusses the danger we're all in via this video lecture in which he shows us examples of the weaponized parasites as seen via photos taken through his microscope  
The elite no longer have to get an implanted microchip into our body to achieve their objective. They can now do it biologically, and they're doing it.
Mind control survivor Magnus Olsson and Daniel Estulin were interviewed by Russia Today about remote neural monitoring. Please watch this eye opening interview here and please see the information here where you will learn about nano brain implant technologies and artificial intelligence. 
People like Magnus Olsson who were covertly surgically implanted are guinepigs, their lives have been hijacked and they are trying hard to warn us, we'd better listen or we will be next!

From these lectures and information we see that an effort is underway via chemtrails to hijack our DNA, to turn us from human beings into biologically microchipped cyborgs that can be totally controlled and programmed by the ruling elite so we won't rebel, so we'll be completely docile and so we can't reproduce.
This is not "science fiction". This is real, and its happening RIGHT NOW! They want to take away our free will and make us literal slaves on a global plantation, and they will, if we let them!

They are doing this to anyone who allows it to happen, to anyone who makes no effort to detoxify themselves as they spray us with billions of tons of toxic heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and weaponized parasites.
We can't stop this by signing petitions, or by filing Freedom of Information Act Requests. We won't stop it by calling Congress, or by complaining to State Legislatures. This is being orchestrated at a Shadow Government level far above our government by people in the Bilderberg Group, at the UN and the Vatican.
The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been openly talking about it, they've been holding rigged, unscientific conferences on so called "climate change" and on geoengineering as have the Vatican, and I've been exposing this.

We need to grasp that we're not going to stop what they're doing, but we can protect ourselves by educating our family, friends, and coworkers about detoxification and by making the effort to detoxify ourselves!
1. Urge everyone within your sphere of influence to sign up to receive these FREE e-alerts at www.iahf.com and have them study the archives here!

2. If you're not drinking sulfur water twice a day to chelate and remove all the toxic heavy metals being sprayed you are running a real risk of getting cancer from the barium, Alzheimers from the Aluminum, and you're not doing what you can to detoxify the toxic chemicals such as ethylene dibromide, or the weaponized parasites! You run the risk of developing full blown Morgellons disease which people get if they don't protect their immune systems which are undergoing serious attack, and you don't want that!

3. Drinking sulfur water twice a day isn't enough! For the sulfur to work optimally, you need to take steps to systematically detox all your organs of elimination per the recommendations of herbalist Richard Schultz, starting with the bowel detox which blasts away the cement like mucoid plaque thats clogging your colon, putrifying and acidifying your body, wrecking your immune system, making it impossible to properly absorb the nutrients from your food, wrecking your immune system!
When I did Schulz's bowel detox my energy level shot up by 70%! It was well worth the effort! Most people take far better care of their cars by doing oil changes at Jiffy Lube than they do of their bodies, and that is really sad! If this doesn't change, a lot of people are going to be biologically chipped via Morgellons.
To do the bowel detox you will need Intestinal Formula #1, Intestinal Formula #2, and Super Food Plus. You will need to read The 5 Day Bowel Detox, and The Quick Start Guide.
You will need to get the organic fruits, raw garlic, raw ginger, and extra virgin olive oil discussed in the Quick Start Guide, and you'll need a high speed blender such as a Vitamix.
There are three options for how to do this detox, beginner, intermediate and advanced. They're all explained in the information above. By jettisoning the thick mucoid plaque clogging your colon you will get so you can properly absorb the nutrients from the food you eat and any supplements you take!
It acts like a barrier, blocking proper absorption, weakening your immune system, putrifying inside your body to acidify it, wrecking your ph, putting you at risk of getting cancer, heart disease, and every other degenerative disease!
It puts you far more at risk of getting full blown Morgellons disease from the weaponized parasites we're all breathing in from the chemtrails, and if you get Morgellons disease you can be biologically microchipped, your DNA can be hijacked, your biology can be taken over by the weaponized parasites and synthesized. You can be turned into a non reproducing cyborg.
I recommend after detoxing your colon to go on to detox your other organs of elimination: your liver/gallbladder, kidneys, and blood. I can guide you though this. I have done it. I did it because I wanted to attain optimal health, I wanted to counteract the chemtrails, and I wanted to steer clear of all degenerative disease!
I also wanted to side step the ruling elite's evil plans to turn me into a non reproducing cyborg because I believe in living FREE in an UNFREE WORLD!
Please join me! Please awaken everyone around you to the immense danger we're all in from the chemtrails! None of this is hype! Check all of this information and you will be shocked!!
Here it is again :
The weaponized parasites (such as callembola shown in this brief youtube) that we are inhaling from the chemtrails were designed in a bioweapons lab using nanotechnology to target specific internal organs in order to weaken and kill us. They were designed to hijack our DNA and to replace our natural God given biology with a synthetic biology that they can control.

Sophia Smallstorm exposed this in this presentation From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology.  
She starts discussing Morgellons at the 22 minute mark.
German Biologist Harald Kautz Vella also discusses the danger we're all in via this video lecture in which he shows us examples of the weaponized parasites as seen via photos taken through his microscope  
Questions? Please email me at jham@iahf.com or call me at 1-800-333-2553 H&W Pacific time, toll free North America or at 1-360-945-0352 Pacific time. Together we can DEFEAT these evil bastards while attaining optimal health despite what they're trying to do to us!
For Freedom,
John Hammell