Start shooting 1 February onwards!
Theme :"Bristol at Night "
1 A large number of members entered last year's trial run of the Themed Summer Print Competition (TSPC) judged by John Chamberlin. The 2012 TSPC was very successful in terms of participants but the average quality was not high. It seemed there were two factors at play:
(a) Some entrants underestimated the challenge.
Experienced competitors tell us that preparing successful entries for themed competitions is not easy. They often require careful thought and a need to work "out of normal comfort zones". Some say the TSPC is a greater challenge than our open rounds
(b) Some participants tell us they left the shooting and preparation of their entry to the last minute.
2. This year the TSPC will again be a small print competition for new images and the chosen theme is: "Bristol at Night" The Theme is hopefully self explanatory
3. The rules are simple:
(a) This is a small open print competition.
(b) Maximum paper size A4
(c) Unmounted.
(d) Image must be original work of member.
(e) Digital or darkroom manipulation allowed.
(f) Approximate location or locations of image elements to be stated on entry form.
(g) Taken between 1st February 2013 and the closing date.
(h) Closing date: Wednesday 31st July
(i) Images will be independently judged as individual prints.
(j) The results will be published on the 21st August and a display arranged on the club display boards for that date.
4. The competition has been designed to have equal appeal to all members and there are no classes. Entry forms are being prepared and will be available shortly. Any questions to print competitions secretaries - Email
Prepared by
David & Patsy Southwell