Newsletter for the
Offshore Residents of Pittwater, Australia - Volume 23,
Issue 1180
We acknowledge and pay our
respects to the Traditional Custodians of
Pittwater, as well as our Indigenous readers
Lovett Bay resident Sara Nimmo died recently. Here her
good friend and former neighbour, Deborah Jones, shares
her memories.
A day was always better if part of it had been spent
with Sara Nimmo. Always. Her huge capacity for laughter
and friendship made everything seem that much brighter.
Her zest for life was catching.
That was only the start. She was interested in just about
anything and could do just about everything. As her social
media posts of intricately decorated pies attested, Sara
was a terrific cook. She was also, in no particular order,
a top-flight photographer, a knitter who could tackle the
most complicated patterns, a dab hand at crochet, someone
who could make new covers for old cushions – with piping!
– and much, much more.
If it sounds as if her interests were mainly in the
domestic sphere, nothing could be further from the truth.
She worked as a journalist in the UK, with Greenpeace as a
media specialist and most recently as a freelance risk,
security and crisis management consultant. Those
experiences, along with all the travel she and her beloved
husband Geoff had under their belts, meant she had a
particularly broad view of the world.
It was my great good fortune to have Sara and Geoff land
next door to me at Lovett Bay. With greatest respect to
the other superb neighbours I was lucky enough to have
over more than 20 years, Sara outranked them all. No one
A cuppa (or something a bit stronger) with Sara could take
you anywhere in the world, from the fascinating minutiae
of Lovett Bay to international politics and anything in
between. Perhaps not all the conversation was high-minded
because along with her many other gifts Sara was
fantastically witty and rather naughty with it. Too much
I suspect everyone who knew her will have their own Sara
and unique memories of her generous spirit.
Top of the list for me is this one. I got a text one
evening when, as it happened, I wasn’t feeling entirely on
top form. I was to get down to the end of her jetty
Sara had the International Space Station spotter app on
her phone – of course she did – and the ISS was about to
pass over Pittwater. The sky was clear and starry.
Absolutely magical. We looked up to see the bright sphere
of light that is the ISS race overhead. It was a marvel to
think of the people on board and the science that had got
them there. How could one not feel better after that?
Sara’s natural impulse was to share the moment. She was
one of the kindest people I’ve known.
Missed out on a previous
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June 2021
Festival of Making,
April 2021
expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the
views of the Scotland Island Residents Association
(SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA)