John Hammell- In the IAHF Office
IAHF List:
Please read Byron Richard's update on S.1082, the Prescription
Drug User Fee Act of 2007 (scroll to bottom of article
for Monday's update). We're monitoring the Senate floor right now
on CSpan2 waiting
to hear Senator Durbin's statement about an
anticipated amendment regarding Food Safety that we're very concerned
about given Durbin's long standing opposition to dietary supplements
(he is a senator from Illinois where AMA HQ is and pharmaceutical
interests exert enormous pressure on him.)
With the recent contaminated pet food issue thats all over the news right
now, and the latest news that melamine contaminated pet
food has found its way into human food via
chicken feed on 38 poultry farms in Indiana and into hog feed we've got a challenging
political situation but we CAN'T give
up because language currently in S.1082 guts
DSHEA according to respected attorney Jonathan Emord who
has suggested an amendment to protect us!
Senator Mike Enzi from Wyoming is up for reelection next
year. That makes him politically vulnerable and we MUST
CAPITALIZE on this! Fortunately, he is from Wyoming, a small
state population wise- which for our purposes right now is
PERFECT because its EASIEST to get the
JUNGLE TELEGRAPH cranked in a small state and we can
RAPIDLY sound the alarm to health food
stores, alternative practitioners, MLMers, and consumers.
Clint Miller is going to sound the alarm to Nature's Sunshine
distributors there, and Byron Richards and I are working to urge as many
vitamin companies as possible to alert their customers in Wyoming. We need
all of your help RIGHT NOW to get word out to
ANYONE who can help in the state of Wyoming and we
ALL need to call and fax Enzi's DC Office at the very
DC: 202-224-3424
Fax 202-228-0359
Gillette: 307-682-6268
Cody: 307-527-9444
I am calling to request Senator Enzi amend S.1082, the Prescription Drug
User Fee Act of 2007 to delete all reference to the terms
"Foods" and "Food Ingredients".
As one of 150 million Americans that rely on dietary supplements to keep
myself and my family well, I am especially concerned that this legislation
broadens FDA regulatory power to harass functional foods and dietary
supplements- which has nothing whatsoever to do with
drug safety- (the alleged
PURPOSE for this bill.)
The so called HELP Committee has failed to prepare
a Committee Report for Staff and Senators to
study, so they don't know what lurks within this 262
page bill.
I am OUTRAGED that the bill creates the
Reagan-Udall Foundation for the
FDA, a pharmaceutical drug
development company located literally INSIDE the FDA.
This is a total conflict of interest and
will WORSEN, not IMPROVE the safety of
pharmaceutical drugs- totally
contradicting the alleged "PURPOSE" of this
Although I would like this bill to be KILLED, at a
BARE MINIMUM, I INSIST that the following
amendment, which was strongly recommended by respected attorney Jonathan
Emord of Emord and Associates be included
in the bill: This change is
necessary so that no confusion is created between drug regulation and food
Amendment to Bill S1082
Purpose of the amendment:
(See pp. 106-107)
The bill, S1082: The Prescription Drug User Fee Act, is
hereby amended to eliminate any reference to the terms food or food
ingredients, such that food and food ingredients will not be subject to
any jurisdiction or control by the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the Food
and Drug Administration.
Intent of
To eliminate from the bill any possibility that food or food
ingredients would be treated like drugs either for safety review purposes
or for assessment of their efficacy. It is a fundamental tenet of food and
drug law that foods and food ingredients are presumed to be safe and have
to be established to be adulterated only if they present a significant or
unreasonable risk of illness or injury.
I have read Byron Richard's article on this issue on
and am calling it to the attention of every health food store, every
alternative medical practitioner, chiropractor, naturopath, massage
therapist and vitamin consumer I know both in and outside the state of
Following is a form letter to fax in:
Please Amend S.1082 to Protect Dietary Supplements
May 1, 2007
The Honorable Mike Enzi
400 S. Kendrick Avenue, Suite 303
Gillette, WY 82716
Phone DC (202) 224-3424
Fax DC (202) 228-0359
Phone Wyoming (307) 682-6268
Fax Wyoming (307) 682-6501
Dear Senator Enzi;
The issue of drug safety is of the utmost importance to myself and all
Americans. I am concerned, however, that bill S.1082, as currently
written, opens the door for considerable regulatory confusion.
There must be no confusing the safety of drugs and the safety of food and
food ingredients ? which are governed by different laws. This
bill authorizes, on pages 106-107, the creation of a new regulatory
category that enables the FDA and the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the FDA
to attack dietary supplements and functional foods.
I am sure you were not intending to create such confusion, and this matter
is easily corrected with a simple amendment. Please support the
following amendment to S1082:
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