Seattle Community Cultural Evenings
Sponsored by
Helene Eriksen and ANAR DANA
Friday April 4, 2014
Cultural Evening 
Focus on 
Raissat and the Chleuh Berbers of Southern Morocco
7-9 pm

Join us this week on Friday, April 4th for the next of our ANAR DANA monthly cultural evenings at my house in Ravenna.  The focus of this evening is the are the female performers called Raissat of the Chleuh Imazighen (Berbers) of Southern Morocco.

A special feature of the Seattle ANAR DANA Project is our Cultural Evening Series at my house in Ravenna. One evening a month we have a potluck at my house and look at films, photos, costumes, listen to music, discuss history, ethnography and politics of one of the regions from our project.  It has been amazing what interesting people are coming to these cozy community evenings. Please join us!!!

These evenings are open to everyone! 

Suggested donation is $15 for the general public and goes towards new costumes for the ensemble.  

Please feel free to pass this on and invite your friends.  If you can, bring something for the potluck that fits the evening's theme.

Please email me to reserve your space and get the address!

Best regards!

Complete list of Cultural Evenings is:
1) Nov 9, 2013 Şavşat, NE Turkey
2) Dec. 20, 2013 Mystical Poetry of Iran and celebration of Shab-e Yalda (winter solstice)
3) Jan. 24, 2014 Roma of Turkey
4) Feb. 7, 2014 Dabke of Palestine & Levant
5) March 7, 2014  Thrace, Bulgaria and celebration of Baba Mart (beginning of Spring)
6) April 4, 2014 Raissat of the Chleuh Berbers of Southern Morocco
7) May 16, 2014 Bokhara, Uzbekistan