SIRA is Turning 60!
Point Ferry Service Update
SIRFS Fire Shed Dinner
- Oktoberfest
Pittwater takes out Sustainability Award
Stop the Supply
Your Say on Waterways
Mona Vale
Library Events
Dog Training Tips
Co-Op Club - October Line-up
Pittwater Offshore Wine Syndicate - Wine Tasting
Interested in a Local Currency?
Commodores Christmas
Cocktail Party
Looking for
Professional Photographer
Scotland Island
Dance Classes?
Island Nanny
Looking for Home
to Rent
Waterfront Home to
Wanting a lift to
Crows Nest
Missing Phone
Backyard Fitness
Deck Sale
For Sale
Family looking to move to SI
Double Kayak for Sale
Rental Required
Clean Fill
Local Contact Guide
subscription Information
is turning 60 !!
November 28th

Pensioner and seniors

Thanks to all the letters and emails to Rob Stokes, Opal, Transport for
NSW and Andrew Constance the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure,
Transport for NSW will continue with the capped fare of $2.50 per day
for Transport on NSW buses, trains and ferries.
You will continue to need your green resident’s card, and you will need
to get a Gold Opal card.
This does not mean that we are getting the Opal system on the ferries.
There is no plan by Transport for NSW to roll out this system onto the
private ferry operators at this stage.
The fine detail has not as yet been worked out, but the in principle
agreement has been made.

Dear Resident,
From 1 January 2016, the Pensioner Excursion Ticket will no longer be
sold, so you will be unable to buy it to travel on this ferry. However,
from 1 January 2016, the Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card will be
accepted on this private ferry service.
In addition to the Private Ferry Pass issued by your ferry
service, you will need to show your Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card to
the ferry attendant when you board. As the Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal
fares are capped at $2.50 per day, you won’t pay any more to travel
than you did with a Pensioner Excursion Ticket. If you haven’t got your
Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card yet, apply now at or call
13 67 25 (13 OPAL). You’ll need your NSW Seniors, Pensioner Concession
or NSW War Widow/ers card handy to complete your application.
Yours sincerely,
Transport for NSW

Island RFB Fire Shed Dinner
Saturday October 17th
from 7.00 pm

Pittwater takes out Sustainability Award
Council was winner of a top award at the Keep NSW Beautiful Blue Star
Sustainability Awards held in Manly.
The gala presentation at the International College of Management,
Sydney saw Council win in the Sustainable Systems category for its
Sustainability Assessment Tool.
Pittwater Council Mayor Jacqueline Townsend said she was thrilled that
Council had received recognition for this important sustainability
“Council developed and implemented this robust and practical assessment
tool to encourage a culture whereby sustainability is embedded in its
everyday operations,” said Mayor Townsend.
“The tool uses quadruple bottom line criteria for all major projects,
from the design of a new skate park to helping shape our active
transport strategy,” she said.
“It enables project teams to be more active in their consideration of
issues that ultimately care for the sustainability of our future.
“I am also particularly pleased that this valuable assessment tool is
now being rolled out to other councils to benefit from its use,” Mayor
Townsend added.
For more information about environmental sustainability in Pittwater

Stop the supply – you're a
parent not a mate
A strong message is being
sent to parents and guardians across the northern beaches to ‘Stop the
supply of alcohol to minors’.
The Northern Beaches Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) is launching
their Stop the Supply campaign, which raises awareness about secondary
supply of alcohol to under age young people.
The Northern Beaches CDAT is a unified group of government and
non-government agencies who work together to identify local problems
and issues to improve the community’s health and wellbeing.
Pittwater Council Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the Stop the Supply
campaign informs our community members about the laws and dangers of
supplying alcohol to young people (also known as secondary supply).
Mayor Townsend said the education campaign aims to empower parents,
friends and sporting organisations to say ‘no’ to secondary supply of
“The message from Northern Beaches CDAT is a strong one – supplying
alcohol to minors is against the law.
“Parents, and coaches are not ‘mates’ and the consequences of supplying
alcohol to minors may cost them $1,100 or up to $11,000 and/or 12
months imprisonment,” Mayor Townsend reiterated.
Northern Sydney Local Health District Health Promotion Officer, Melissa
Palermo said research shows that excessive alcohol can cause major
problems for our community; however the risks are exacerbated for our
young people.
“In fact, growing evidence indicates that the brain keeps developing up
to the age of 25 and is adversely affected by excessive alcohol
consumption,” added Ms Palermo.
Ms Palermo reminded parents and guardians that the National Alcohol
Guidelines state that children under the age of 15 are at the greatest
risk of harm from drinking, and for those aged between 15 and 17, the
safest option is for them to delay drinking for as long as possible.
Updates of the campaign will be posted on the Stop the Supply Facebook
page. More information can be found on the website:
Have your say on Waterway
Council is inviting the community to have its say on the Pittwater
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said to ensure that the waterway
continues to have a vibrant and sustainable future Council has
initiated a Pittwater Waterway Review.
Mayor Townsend said the Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a
distinguishing feature of our region’s identity.
“It is a focus for leisure, tourism and business and an extremely
important environmental asset.
“However, the waterway is under pressure from a range of competing
demands including growth in boat ownership and vessel size.
“There is also an increase in demand for moorings, marinas and boat
infrastructure such as pump out facilities, dinghy storage, parking and
foreshore access.
“We are keen to hear from businesses connected to the waterway such as
marine operators, cafés and restaurants, tourism-related companies,
recreational users of the waterway, offshore residents, as well as the
broader community.
“It is essential that we provide a sustainable balance between economic
growth and employment connected to the waterway and its environmental
protection including water quality and marine life,” she said.
Residents and businesses are invited to complete the survey which
covers key issues facing the waterway and questions such as the ways
you currently use the waterway.
“Feedback from the community will help inform the development of a
discussion paper about the management of the waterway,” added Mayor
To complete the survey visit by 30 October.
Contact: Community Relations

Maintaining Control Off Leash
By Jess Sandstrom
There are few things quite
as pleasurable as watching your dog zoom around the park with
glee, free to stretch his legs and act out the internal fantasies
of the wild beastie within. But what may be a joy to some could
be a cause to avoid the area for others. It is a hard concept for some
of us dog lovers to comprehend but - not everyone (be it human, dog,
cat or chook) likes our furry four legged steam rollers - Even if they are just being friendly.
So, how do we find our compromise? And how do be avoid being that
person whose dog went flying sideways, sopping wet into Joe and Janes
beach picnic...
One way to keep your dog in check is by building up a reliable recall
or in other words, to train your dog to come when called. An easy way
to do this is to create an intensely positive and rewarding association
within your dog to the command for recall, whatever you choose it to
be. You essentially want your dog to be desperately hoping in his heart
of hearts that his beloved owner might call him over simply for the joy
of it! However, if we want to stand any chance of this association
winning out over the ever changing sights and smells of the surrounding
environment we are going to need to put the time in and invest
ourselves in our dogs learning.
To start off you will need to a distraction free environment which
could be your lounge room or enclosed backyard and some high value
rewards, ideally something that your dog doesn't get to have very
often, BBQ chicken is great. A phrase that you'll often hear dog
trainers say is to Set up for Success and this is a great example. You
want to pick an environment and a reward that makes it virtually
impossible for your dog to get it wrong. Nothing is more fun than
feeling like you're really good at something and much like in humans to
feel like you are doing a great job at something builds confidence and
often a desire to do it again.
Well I've got my tub of roast chicken and the dog in the lounge room.
Now what? Of course Rover is going to be acutely aware of the fact that
his dearest owner is in possession of the most delicious food on the
face of the plant. This is a key factor for the human element of dog
training - Patience.
When your dog gives up begging for the chicken (you may need to put it
out of their line of sight) and becomes disinterested in you call him
to Come. When he starts to move toward you, you basically want to throw
a party and by that I mean get REALLY, ridiculously excited to ensure
that your dog will come all the way to you. When he does, bestow him
with a tasty morsel of chicken and make a big fuss over him like he's
just done the single most remarkable thing any dog has ever done.
You can now allow your dog to become disinterested again (you may like
to use a release cue if your dog has been taught one) and repeat the
exercise being sure to do everything in your power to ensure a correct
response 100% of the time and rewarding your dog for every single
correct response. Short, positive sessions are best which makes it
really easy to fit this exercise into your daily routine. Just one or
two 5 minute sessions a day is all it takes to start teaching this
invaluable skill.
As your dog succeeds in the first low distraction area you can begin to
move into a slightly more distracting environment, for example you
could take it from the lounge room into the backyard, then to the road
outside your house on a quiet weekday. Then start practising on
on-leash walks around the island when no distractions are present, in
the park on-leash and off-leash when no one else is around and so on.
Try to think of every conceivable environment and the varying levels of
distraction and stimulation that can occur in these environments so you
can slowly and incrementally make it more and more difficult and true
to a real life situation for your dog. Remember to Set up for Success!
Once your dog seems to really know what they are doing and is coming to
you reliably in a particular training environment you can begin to
slowly and gradually fade out the food rewards. This is a very
important step in the progression of your dogs training because of
course we don't want our dogs recall to be dependent on our having a
yummy piece of chicken! It is vital that the food rewards are phased
out slowly so we don't affect the positive association we have worked
hard to build up through our training sessions - Recall = Chicken and
my dog can't / won't do it!
A common error when first training for recall is to try and call your
dog when they are busy doing something (sniffing, scratching etc) and
when they don't respond immediately to call them again and again and
again and again. For starters we must remember that in the early stages
our dog doesn't know what we want him to do yet so we have to cut him
some slack, be patient and set him up to win. Pick your moment to call
him over to you and only call him once. If he's started to sniff
something it's probably not a good time to ask, just wait until he is
at the 'goldilocks' point of distraction for the level that you have
trained to and then call him, if it turns out it wasn't the right
moment you can throw a party and get super excited to get his attention.
If we give a command to our dog over and over again without their
responding we risk either teaching our dog that the recall command
means nothing at, known as learned irrelevance or we teach him that the
command is not simply "Come" but that it is "COME!!" repeated 27 times
when my owner is going red in the face.
It is very important in all aspects of your dogs training to have
realistic expectations of what they are capable of and what you have
trained for. If you've only worked up to training recall in your
backyard and you allow your dog off-leash down at the park on a sunny
weekend you can't really get mad at him for putting his earplugs in and
ignoring you in the middle of playtime with another dog! You just
haven't trained to that level yet. Think of parents trying to call
their children back from the surf when they are all having a great time
out on their boogie boards.... Suddenly the earplugs go in then too
don't they?
Another common error is to accidentally taint the positive association
of recall after your dog has learnt and proofed the behaviour. Some of
the ways this can happen is by:
- Only calling your dog to come to put him back on the
leash and go home.
- Only calling your dog to you when he's being naughty.
- Getting angry at your dog if they don't listen or
don't come to you quickly enough.
Of course the first two points are half of the reason that we taught
our dog recall in the first place and need to happen at one point or
another, but how do we avoid tainting the recall? Luckily, it's really
easy if you are aware of it.
All you really need to do is maintain that positive vibe by doing
things like randomly calling your dog in when he's not doing much at
all. When he gets to you give him lots of pats and tell him what a good
boy he is, maybe even grab a toy and throw it, then let him go back to
whatever he was doing before. Not only will this help to generally
maintain the skill but it will also help keep that important positive
association. You can even get the kids involved and play a recall game
with the whole family!
The third point should hopefully be self explanatory but just put
yourself in your dogs shoes; you're racing around the park with your
dog pal having an absolute blast and you hear your owners call. You
think for a moment... This game is the best fun you've had all day, but
owner probably has something great over there too! Unfortunately this
moments consideration has been a moment too long and now owner is MAD.
She is shouting and angry and I think I might get in trouble!! Will I
go to her?... Or can I out run her and keep playing this awesome game?
Well I know what I used to do when I was a kid and Mum was angry with
me - Run for the hills!!! When we begin to understand how our dogs
learn and offer a little patience we can be much more effective
leaders, teachers and companions. All things are possible with
positivity and the right guidance.
Jess Sandstrom is a qualified and insured Dog Trainer from Elvina Bay
who has honed her skills and built up experience by spending years
working hands on with rescue dogs at a local shelter. Jess is extremely
passionate about animals and particularly about creating harmony
between pet owners and other residents in our gorgeous offshore

If you ever need some expert advice or training for your pooch from a
trusted local contact:
Jess Sandstrom
0425 349 326

Co-Op Club Presents
October 2015 Bookings
Church Point Cafe
- Artists
play between 3:30 - 6:30pm
are changing the Co-Op Club times from 3-6pm to the new times of
3.30-6.30pm to celebrate summer!
Oct 4: Declan Kelly & The Rising Sun:
Kelly & The Rising Sun are rapidly on the ‘rise’ with two tracks
from their last album Adrift featuring in the new BBC series “Top of
the Lake”, directed by Jane Campion. Kelly is extremely sought
after for his skills on the drum-kit, having worked with UK band
Passenger, Spearhead (US) Stranger Cole (Jamaica) and a who’s who of
Australian based musicians. When they visit the Co-Op Club for the
first time on Oct 4 we can expect infectious roots reggae with
beautiful three part harmonies from Polynesia, Jamaica & Africa.
Oct 11: Toni Swain :
Toni Swain returns to the Co-Op Club bringing her wonderful music built
around solid rhythms that rollick and sway while the songs shine a
spotlight on everyday life.
..”Her voice and bearing are those of
an old fashioned chanteuse of the highest order..”
-Mick Daley - The
Sun Oct 18: Feel The
Manouche is a term derived from the Romany gypsies of Europe. What we
in Australia call Gypsy Jazz.
Feel The Manouche has a ‘world music’ feel and through it’s use
of double bass, guitars, accordion, fiddle & vocal, the band
achieves a strong melodic groove that can take on gypsy waltzes, swing
jazz and may other flavours from our diverse planet. We invite you to
sit back and “Feel The Manouche.”
Oct 25: The Protesters:
The Protesters - music that can be described as healing,
enlightening & cathartic is what happens when members of The
Melbourne Ska Orchestra, Watussi, King Tide & The Subterraneans
come together as the fantastic band The Protesters. They bring together
a mix of tastes & cultures with their collective love of reggae,
groove and poetically hard- hitting lyrics that have one eye on the
street and the other on soulful old school rhythms.
Coming on Sun Nov 8, all the way from Ireland via her new home, a bus,
which she and her family live & travel around Australia on - the
beautiful Aine Tyrrell. Check out a track from her new album
here.. **

Largest Selling Wine Syndicate
SUNDAY October
11th at 3pm at 'Caloola' in Elvina Bay.
Greetings Wine Lovers
Spring is sprung, the grass is riz.....
It does seem to have been a long winter. Selfishly I tend to sip on
reds during winter and thus miss out on the wonderful range of white
wines that we produce in Australia. So here is my - and your - chance
to replenish the stock in your wine rack.
Our next tasting is on SUNDAY October
11th at 3pm at 'Caloola' in Elvina Bay.
I know the western shores crowd have been anxiously awaiting a local
tasting and of course it will be with much pleasure that we invite
islanders, their friends and family to join us.
For the moment, please
circle October 11th 2015.
Best Wishes

in a local currency
Interested in a local
currency for Scotland Island and the bays?
Hi. I’d like to investigate whether a local currency is feasible for
our offshore community. Local currencies are used in many places around
the world, like the Brixton pound and BerkShares. They’re designed to
encourage a sustainable and vibrant local economy (not to dodge tax!).
If you’re interested in this idea, or would just like updates on our
progress, please drop me an email to
Thanks, Boyd Attewell

SAVE THE DATE - 14 November 2015
' Commodores Christmas Cocktail Party '
Keep the 14 November 2015 free for this
spectacular event.
Venue: Bayview Scout Hall
Date: 14 November 2015
Time: 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Theme: Russian (CCCP)
Pick up and drop off from the Island on the Reliance
More details to follow shortly.
Photographer needed for
Pittwater Charity Sailing Day
We're looking for a local professional photographer who might be
interested in doing some pro bono work for Camp Quality a national
charity supporting kids living with cancer and their families.
We'll be taking up to 30 families (all of whom have a child living with
cancer) sailing around Pittwater for the day - we'll be stopping for
lunch and swimming somewhere and are hoping to have some photos taken
throughout the day. Photos will be used for marketing and also given to
the families as a memento of the day.

Date: Sunday 18 October 2015
Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Venue: Quays Marina
You'll get to meet some lovely, inspiring families and be part of a
wonderful fun day that they'll remember. Lunch included! - No sailing
experience necessary but good, offshore sea legs would be beneficial!
If you're interested or have any questions send me an email:

Island Dance

Super Scotland Island Nanny
Need a few hours to
Need to go to work and
need someone to mind the children?
- Bring the Kids round, & I will watch them for
- Super Fun Service at a Super Cheap Rates
- I'm a mommy, a children's entertainer, studying Cert
3 in childcare, a children's aerobics instructor & Head Fairy @
Fairy Magic Children’s Parties
Call Skye - Mommy to Leonardo & Ivy 0402 810 996

Island Family looking
for a New Rental
Hello all..... We are a
family on the island looking for a new rental anytime from now.
If you know of any rentals coming up could you please let me know.
A 3-4 bedroom would be preferable.
Contact Essie 0418253870.

NE Waterfront Home for
Two bedroom furnished NE Waterfront available end of October or Early
Prefer reliable mature couple without pets.
References essential
Lease negotiable 6 or 12 months.
Please contact Mary
0438 632 855

Looking for a Lift to Crows
Backpacker who has work at Crows Nest for 6 weeks and would like to get
a lift and pay a share of the fuel costs.
Contact phone Meredith 0450819897

Missing iPhone 4
Sunday,13th September, I stepped out of my tender at Pat
Hilda phone decided to jump overboard and go for a
If anybody finds an iPhone 4 in an ORANGE WATERPROOF COVER washed
up along the N.E. foreshore.....please call me......many thanks.....
Secondly, if anybody has an iPhone 4 or whatever that they are/do not
use.....I would gladly part with some cash.
Phillippa Thomas........9997 2405

I'm Bringing Fitness to Your
Am planning on running circuit exercise classes down at Tennis Wharf
(Catherine Park) & am just putting feelers out there for
expressions of interest with regards to
Days, Times and Type of Classes.
I am a qualified and certified personal trainer, fitness and boxing
instructor with over 15 years experience.
Please feel free to call me on 0402 810 996 or email me at
Yours in fitness Skye -
Fit To Perform Mobile Fitness Training

Deck Sale: 11th October
11am - 3pm
We are moving: every thing must go!
Follow the balloons from the steps at the top of Catherine Park, by the
Hall, on the main road.

- Sofa bed, blue, 2 seats, + golden-brown washable cover
- Black leather couch, 3 seats + matching reclining
- Wardrobes (including Art Decco)
- Tables, large/small/children’s
- Chests/drawers
- Lamps
- Rugs
- Plants, large/small +pots
- Outdoor furniture, table + chairs
- Work-shop tools/building materials
- Children’s toys, doll-house, games, clothing
Kids Bedroom Cubbies + Bed-Frames
- Wooden bed-frame with cubby attached to end: beach
house lined with bamboo matting.
- Wooden bed-frame with cubby attached to end: ship has
steering wheel etc. for fun.
- Cream/burgundy bed with mezzanine level beside, desk
underneath, futon included next to desk, matching shelving and
cupboards also available.
Call Andy Palmer on 0428 269 101 for more details.
Must be removed by 18th

For Sale
General Items
- Two cream colourbond sheds each 1.95m high at back
and 185 cm at front x 80 cm wide x 1.5 m long - hardly used, assembled
$200 each
- colourbond shed assembled same dimensions as above
but hand painted, cream $100
- plastic garden shed, new, unassembled $200
- plastic garden shed, new unassembled $150
- 15 HP 2 stroke short shaft Yamaha outboard. Very good
condition. Starts easily, runs well. Fully serviced. $1300
- 4HP 4 stroke long shaft Yamaha outboard. Hardly used.
Fully serviced. $900
- Brand new Poly Tank 1500L. cylindrical, cream colour.
never used. $750
- De Longhi Pinguino portable air conditioner. Hardly
used. Has instruction booklet and all attachments. $250
- Homemaker evaporative cooler/ portable air
conditioner $100
- Whipper snipper x 2 $40 each
- Large square waterproof shade sail $135
- 2 x new ceiling fans $20 each
- Antique Linen cupboard $60
- Wooden dog kennel $50
- Various Boat Stuff… lifejackets, petrol tanks, fuel
lines, solar charger, battery and bilge pump (new/unused), float switch
new ..etc
- two wooden outdoor stair kits, unused/ new 2 tread
new $170 sell for $100 and 3 tread $230 new sell for $150
- three 15 m soaker hoses $ 5 each
Sophie 0432611976
Aluminium run-about 
NZ made Stabi-craft.
Aluminium. 5.8 m. Yamaha 80 hp 4 Stroke.
Serviced and anti fouled every 6 mths.
Hydraulic steering.
Great open ended design for large carrying capacity or 7 people.
Contact Karen 0419417555 or Michael 0408164361 for inspection or
Moored at Pitt Point. $7500
Items for Sale
- Japanese style stair cupbord. Free but has to be collected !
- Desk and chair $100. As new condition.
- Gaff rig sailing dingy (approx 15ft). In
pieces. $500. (no photo)
- Double fibreglass kayak. Free.
Please contact John on 0416 247 961.

Family looking to move to
Scotland Island.
Currently seeking a rental on Scotland Island starting from late Oct.

3 Bedrooms would be grand.
We are 2 professional adults and our 6 y/o son who will be attending
Newport primary.
May even consider the purchase of the right property.
Please contact Benedicte on 0415 858 605

For Sale - Double Sea Kayak
The perfect family kayak or house guest's/friends - robust, stable -
totally non confronting kayaking!
In our opinion the Dagger (brand) Trinidad (model name) is probably one
of the worlds best plastic double's.
What you will get;
- Two people in the same boat, easy to talk and share.
- Stability - arguably the most stable craft we have
ever owned. Total confidence that either you or your guest will have a
first class experience with or without previous kayak experience. This
has been our boat for nervous guests or first timers and we have never
had anything but praise for it's capacity to deliver.
- Load capacity and room - this is a floating lounge
chair and suits very spacious seating for either front or rear seat.
- A large central storage hatch (between the two
paddlers) is ready for your camping gear or picnic hampers or dog.
- Surprising speed and handling - Palm Beach for fish
and chips in 50 mins, even quicker on the home run with a nor easter.
Here's a link to a commercial re-seller with the same boat;
Linda and I will demo this boat for prospective buyers (if required),
we are including; entry level paddles (2) 2 neoprene spray decks (brand
new) and a storage bag (home made).
Priced to sell at $1500.
9979 4098 , 0419 232 913 or email us at;

Rental Required
Rental required on Scotland Island, preferably waterfront/water views.
Please contact Amanda on 0424 964 797 or email

Lost Black Waterproof KATHMANDU Jacket
Lost about 2 weeks ago in Church Point car park.
Much cherished!
Please call Nadine 0402 752465 if you found it.
I’m sure I can arrange a fitting reward in return!

Clean Fill
Call Toni
Ph. 0431018279

Local Guide
Scotland Island Web Site | |
click to
go to the Calendar |
Scotland Island Residents
Facebook Page |
click to go to Page |
Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 |
Number, Usage & Charges |
Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 | |
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 | |
Gallery |
offshore gallery |
Island Residents Association
(SIRA) Membership details - click
here for details
Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA) - |
Island Emergency Non-potable water
- Agreement for Sale of Non-potable Water
- SIRA Membership Application
- Emergency Non-potable Water Guidelines
- General Information, Map & Contacts
Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island
& Offshore Children's Services)
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 7.30am - 5.30pm (Tues,
Weds, Thurs & Friday)
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information call 02 9979 7856
or email:
Island Community Hall
Bookings: |
Online News
- |
Tick Fact Sheet |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs &
Island Classes
Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0406
483 036 |
Classes- drawing
and painting in oils, acrylics and mixed media- Marion 0431 457 431 |
Nathalie's Table - Cooking Classes - Nathalie - 9999 4449 |
Yoga - Tuesday 9.00 to 10.30 Tuesday morning - Phone Katya on
0414 187 916 |
Dynamic Yoga - Tuesday PM.
& Saturday AM. Phone Nadine 0402 752465
Tai Chi & Qi Gong classes –
Friday 10-11 am. Chris 0416221040 or |
/ The Fourth Way - Call John on 9979 5584, Marion on 9979
3993 or Anne on 9999 3478 |
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins
on 0405 330 781 |
- Women on Water
- meets 4 times a year - Jenny Frazer 0410533728 / 99994460. |
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS
- email Emma |
Island Players
- contact Bob or Kez on 9999 4092 |
Park Bush Care Group,
2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017 |
Park Bush Care Group,
1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 9999 4092 |
Thinking Group - Roy
Baker, 9999 6891, |
a capella choir
– Saturdays at 2:30 pm, SI Community Hall. Call CB on
9997 2035. |
Buses and Railways
Island Tides,
Moon phases, Sun rise & set
weather for Sydney (128k circle)

Contact Numbers
and reviewing recordings
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Rescue Broken
Bay - Weekend
9999 3554 -
(02) 8411 1121
Rescue Broken
Bay - VHF Radio channel
Radio Channel: VHF 16
27MHz Radio Channel: 86 or 88
Island Rural Fire Service |
4404 |
Elvina Bay Rural
Fire Service
9997 3795
Lovett Bay Rural
Fire Service
9979 1612
Mackerl Beach Rural
Fire Service
9974 1162
Headquarters Terrey
9450 3000
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
25 00 9486
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at or
by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at

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e-mail to the editor ( or by clicking here. Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)
