London based artist Lisa Cirenza has just returned from an artist residency in Cuba with a new body of work which will be unveiled at The Other Art Fair, Victoria House, London 4- 7 October.
From 24th September Art Below are featuring her work at Regent's Park tube station for 4 weeks.
About her new work and Cuban experience Lisa says:
In a world where viewpoints are increasingly black or white, (red or blue?) without nuance, and often not allowing for any colour mixing both literally and figuratively, I went to Cuba on an artist residency this past July.
Raised in America, infused with a Cold War American narrative highlighted by the Bay of Pigs, and other polarizing events, I went looking for what was beneath the surface of these political narratives.
I tried to learn Spanish, but only mastered the phrase "El mundo esta loco" (the world is crazy). It served me well, but not as well as learning to embrace the Cuban optimism and love of music, dance and the arts as a means of counterbalancing life's challenges.

I love what happens when you put opposite colors next to each other and they make each other sing ever more brightly than when they are alone. Finding the beautiful nuanced grays when mixing diametrically opposed colors with hints of white light, or black depth can only increase the strength of the entire composition. Imagine the implications of thoughtfully mixing or juxtaposing blues,reds and yellows, greens, purples and oranges, blacks and whites as we contemplate our personal narratives and delicately mix them with those around us...what a glorious global composition we could create...