Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Psalm 8:1, 2 O LORD, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, You Who set Your glory above the heavens! Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, Because of Your enemies, That You may silence the enemy and the avenger . . .


Another compelling book on this pastor's shelf is "I Don"t Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST." The book is a strong apologetic or defense of Bible-based Christianity.

The book's foreword says: ". . . Once one looks at the evidence, we think it takes more faith to be a non-Christian than it does to be a Christian. This may seem like a counter-intuitive claim, but it's simply rooted in the fact that every religious worldview requires faith -- even the worldview that says there is no God . . ."

That said, David under guidance of the Holy Spirit teaches us that there is something even more special to God than the testimony of huge galaxies. It is the faith of little children -- a faith which "silences the enemy and the avenger" as it expresses itself in simple, child-like prayers and songs of praise.

When the renowned of this world -- including unbelieving scientists and university professors, and even religious leaders who should know better -- refuse to give the Creator-God the glory He deserves, God still receives praise from the hearts and lips of His believing children.

Indeed, God's children of ALL ages love to sing with Isaac Watts:

From all that dwell below the skies Let the Creator's praise arise; Alleluia!
Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Through ev'ry land, by ev'ry tongue. Alleluia!

Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends Thy Word. Alleluia!
Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore Till suns shall rise and set no more. Alleluia!
(The Lutheran Hymnal, 15)