Polishing the Heart - December 2022
In this issue:
  • Turning Toward the Light
  • Attention Is Energy
  • Energy Relationships
  • Planets as Metaphors to our Humanity
  • Dance Calendar (see below)

The Earth Folk Drum and Dance Clinic in October,
one of our first Post-Pandemic public events here on The Farm Community.
Dear Friends,
As we move past the shortest day and longest night, I share with you this beautiful piece of music, Turning Toward the Light, written by Zahir Orest, which I learned from him at the Ozark Sufi Camp in Missouri. 

When our way seems dark    And our sight's not clear
When our way seems hard    And stones lie in our path
Keep turning toward the Light,
We are turning toward the Light
Ya Nuri    Ya Allah    Ya Tawwab    Ya Allah
Ya Nur is the Divine Quality of Light, and Ya Nuri is the Agent of the Light. 
Tawwab is one of the Divine qualities and actually means "turning toward the Light". It is the third stage of concentration of Divine Forgiveness when one transcends the 'pettiness' of the world and sees the Forgiving Light of Allah.

During the dark days of the last several years, this song became like a mantra for our Dance Sangha here on The Farm, raising our spirits and a gentle reminder of our purpose and path. And so it is, as we enter a New Year and the promise of brighter days ahead.
"Attention is energy. What you put your attention into is what you get more of."
This was the teaching shared by Stephen Gaskin, a man who might be described as a self-styled 60s spiritual teacher who is regarded as the founder of The Farm Community.
Stephen used to say that when you hear the truth, it rings at the core of your being, resonating with an inner knowing. "What you put your attention into is what you get more of," is a simple truth that plays out in every aspect of our lives.
We can see clearly how relationships and friendships blossom when they have the attention of our love, or flounder and fall apart when our attention drifts away, or we place our focus on the things which divide us.
Our survival as a community depended on us understanding energy relationships. This helped us recognize social dynamics such as subtle intimidation, hierarchies, social position, and unequal power dynamics. Our responsibility was to be aware at a deeper level, to speak the truth, and talk to each other to work things out.

Starting The Farm was about shifting our attention away from things we did not want, as expressed in the mode of protest, to focus on positive things, like land to grow food, in a place with clean air and pure water, to build our futures immersed in the prevailing peace offered by nature.
It is why The Farm has always been called an intentional community. We set our intention on what we wanted to manifest into reality.
I truly believe that when any of us sets an intention, and we focus our attention, our creative potential is unlimited.
Planets as Metaphors to our Humanity - Part 1 The Sun and Moon

Sufi Sam Lewis in Golden Gate Park back in the day
We humans express our energy in a variety of ways. We are familiar with common descriptions like extrovert and introvert, shy or a flirt, down to earth or flighty. By being consciously aware of our own energy and the energy of others, we can learn about ourselves and have greater understanding and tolerance for the differences we encounter in others.
Samuel Lewis, a spiritual teacher back in the days of Haight Ashbury, used a set of teachings called Planetary Movements and Walks to teach his students about the energy dynamics of people. From my own interpretation, the references to the Planetary energies are not so much our vibrations being directly affected by orbs in space (astrology), but in using the planets as metaphors for the various ways certain energies can be embedded into our personalities, or can be called upon to help us achieve and bring forth a vibration in ourselves, whether it be the outward radiance of the sun or the introspective pull of the moon.
Murshid Sam describes Sun energies as positive, outwardly focused, but also with the potential for over-intensity. It is balanced by moon, receptive, turning inward, listening.
I gained a better understanding of sun and moon energies from a friend through the Dances of Universal Peace when she described me as having a lot of Sun, and it gave me a new way of looking at myself. 
Since I was a kid, I have been aware that I have a strong, outgoing, personality, and it has been one of my strengths. It's what has given me the drive to be an entrepreneur, to play and perform music, and take on many different projects.
But I have also learned that your strength can also be the source of your greatest weakness. I can see how often my conflicts in life are also the result of my own intensity, or not taking the time to reflect, review, to balance being outwardly driven by paying attention to the details.
Sam describes the Sun Walk as a solid pace, energy radiating outward. Facing forward toward a goal. I see this in the stages and changes of my life. I find myself physically walking at a fast, driven pace wherever I go. My natural walk is a Sun Walk.
This energy is my strength. How can my new Sun awareness help me see where I need balance and apply it?
More Moon 
And so I have gained a deeper appreciation for the energy of the moon. Receptive. Reflective. Balancing the yang of the sun with the yin of the moon, the Divine feminine qualities of nurturing, observant, and caring compassion.
I try to remind to myself to be more mindful in everything I do. To slow down, to take some time to review my words, my intentions, my actions, whatever they may be. “Be more mindful,”... my mantra as I look toward another year.

The Farm's first "logo", a mandala by artist Michael Kelly

My Dance Calendar (see more below)

Puerto Morelos, Mexico Feb 2-6, 2023
April 14-16, 2023 on The Farm with guest dance leader Allaudin

January 2023,Trocones, Mexico
Two weeks of dances with Darvesha and Sky Roshay
Florida   January 19-22, 2023
Cultivating an Awakened Heart: A Retreat with Halima & Abraham Sussman, Special Guest Maitreya Jon Stevens
I will be in Mexico, but I would be at this weekend if I could. Abraham and Halima are who first introduced me to the dances and I will always be grateful for their kindness and open hearts. I love Maitrya's musical compositions and dances and include several in the dances I lead. 
Email Jemila at jemila11@jfelisko.com
I invite you to join me at one of my upcoming dance events, including five days of Dances in Puerto Morelos, Mexico, with song circles, art projects, and whatever else appears, along with time for walks on the beach, snorkeling, dining with friends, conversations, and laughter. We come together to be with each other to remind ourselves that we are energy beings, and at our strongest when we are together in community. 
Click here to learn more about Dances in Mexico.

with Dance Leaders Sky Roshay, Jennifer Friedman, and Douglas Stevenson
We are so happy to welcome Murshid Allaudin Ottinger, one of America’s best-loved leaders of the Dances of Universal Peace, as our dance leader for the weekend, his third visit to The Farm. A senior teacher in the Sufi Ruhaniat International, Allaudin inspires one and all with his humility, clarity, and inclusive nature, raising the energy to a state of profound joy.
  • A Weekend of Dance, Music and Celebration
  • Kirtan
  • Guided Nature Walk
  • Farm Community Tour
  • All Vegetarian Meals Provided
The Farm was founded as a spiritual community in 1971 on the principles of nonviolence and respect for the earth. This gathering brings together two important spiritual movements born from the renaissance in San Francisco and the energy emanating 50 years ago from the Summer of Love.
We are asking those planning to attend to be Covid aware. We ask that you do a rapid test before leaving home and bring a test for yourself or anyone in your group to administer when you arrive. Thanks for understanding!
For more information, contact me: douglas@villagemedia.com
Thank you for your time and attention!