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*** Perugia Presents: A Carnival of Poets ***
Friday, April 29, 7:00-9:00
at The Big Barn at The Institute for the Musical Arts in Goshen, MA
Join us for an an amazing line-up of poets published by, and on the volunteer team of, Perugia Press. We're continuing our 25th anniversary celebration of publishing emerging women poets. This Poetry Month gala features just some of the poets we've published and those who make our feminist press tick, all in a gorgeous space at I.M.A., another org that honors creativity & women. We’ll have readings, refreshments, a little music & poetry books on sale. This event is free to attend, and donations will be accepted at the door to support Perugia Press & the Florence Poetry Carnival. More info to come soon!
Note: Our celebration is a prelude event to the Florence Poetry Carnival,
which takes place on Saturday 4/30 from 1:00-5:00 at the Florence Civic Center
& of which Perugia Press is a proud sponsor.

Emerging BIWOC Poet Spotlight

March 2022 Poet: Saida Agostini

Photo by Kafi D'Ambrosi
an incomplete legend on love
Mahaica, Guyana 1935

at 10, granny jumped on to a grape tree, its boughs so fat with
fruit it diverted her eye from its own death. who could blame her
for climbing or the tree for falling, her right leg smashed underneath
its trunk. the blood spooling like threads of saffron into the green fields
the wound a quake of splitting skin and bone in her thigh. granny
into an open sky, calling for help until it birthed echoes sending her 
brother winnie to find her from three miles away. think on what it took
to hear her call, what it means for your heart to be so literate in your blood’s
pain that you will run hours to save them a single ache. we call this fealty. 
I call it prayer for the times we cannot run to save each other, the little
moments we horde in tasks that separately would not be counted
as holy

from LET THE DEAD IN (Alan Squire Publishing)

To read more about this poet and her work, check out our blog.

CLMP Member Spotlight

For Women's History Month, CLMP featured Perugia Press in its member spotlight. Read the full interview with Editor/Director Rebecca Olander here.

CLMP Women's History Month Reading List
It's always a good month to read poetry by women! As we close out March, here's a curated list of amazing books to carry with you
into the coming months, including Megan Peak's Girldom and
Diane Gilliam's Kettle Bottom, both from Perugia Press.  

AWP 2022 in Philadelphia
It was wonderful to be at AWP in person in Philadelphia! We loved having our authors who were present sign their beautiful books at our table - and having all our gorgeous books represented. Five of our poets presented an interesting panel conversation on linguistic diversity (more to be shared on that in the coming months on our website). And we held a great reading offsite at the Chapterhouse Cafe (picture below). Thanks to all who came out to join the panel convo, listen to the reading, meet our poets and founding and current editor/directors, buy our books, and support our press by engaging with us and the work we do. We appreciate you!

Left to right: Lynne Thompson, Ida Stewart, Nancy K. Pearson, Jacqueline Balderrama, Abby E. Murray, Rebecca Pelky, Susan Kan & Rebecca Olander

 Once More, with Feeling: 2022 Perugia Press Prize Results

WINNER: Lisbeth White, American Sycamore

Ayesha Raees, Within Sky Kissing God
Christina Vega, Hand to Mouth


Mary Ardery, They're Not Lying When They Tell You You'll Dream of the Dead
Monique-Adelle Callahan, Rupture
Anaïs Deal-Márquez, I Made You Pozole
Caitlin Dwyer, In the Salt
Stephanie Glazier, Of Fish & Country
Christen Noel Kauffman, Acts of Protection
Victoria Korth, The Granite Door
Alysse Kathleen McCanna, FishWife
Jordan Osborne, The Damselfish Year
Mira Rosenthal, Territorial
Jeri Theriault, Self-Portrait as Homestead
Theresa Vincent, believe breath, believe silence,
Maria Williams, Snow

Thanks to each woman who submitted her manuscript/s
& to the volunteers who helped read for & judge the contest!

Perugia Press Prize: A prize of $1000 & publication by Perugia Press is given annually for a first or second unpublished poetry collection by a woman. The next deadline is November 15, 2022.
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062